pro nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed. Tato funkce poskytuje mo\u017enost nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f z libovoln\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky t\u00edm, \u017ee zde um\u00edst\u00ed tla\u010d\u00edtko, kter\u00e9 umo\u017en\u00ed va\u0161im u\u017eivatel\u016fm p\u0159\u00edmo odes\u00edlat obr\u00e1zky do na\u0161\u00ed slu\u017eby a automaticky zpracuje a vytvo\u0159\u00ed k\u00f3dy pot\u0159ebn\u00e9 pro vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed. V\u0161echny funkce zahrnuj\u00ed nap\u0159\u00edklad funkci p\u0159et\u00e1hni a pus\u0165, vzd\u00e1len\u00e9 nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed, zm\u011bnu velikosti obr\u00e1zk\u016f a dal\u0161\u00ed."],"Supported software":["Podporovan\u00fd software"],"supported software":["podporovan\u00fd software"],"The plugin works in any website with user-editable content and for %sv, it will place an upload button that will match the target editor toolbar so no extra customization is needed.":["Plugin funguje na libovoln\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nce s u\u017eivatelsky upraviteln\u00fdm obsahem a pro %sv, um\u00edst\u00ed tla\u010d\u00edtko pro nahr\u00e1n\u00ed, kter\u00e9 bude odpov\u00eddat panelu n\u00e1stroj\u016f pro c\u00edlov\u00fd editor, tak\u017ee nen\u00ed pot\u0159eba dal\u0161\u00ed p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00ed."],"Add it to your website":["P\u0159idejte je na sv\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky"],"options":["mo\u017enosti"],"Copy and paste the plugin code into your website HTML code (preferably inside the head section). There are plenty %o to make it fit better to your needs.":["Zkop\u00edrujte a vlo\u017ete k\u00f3d pluginu do k\u00f3du HTML va\u0161ich str\u00e1nek (nejl\u00e9pe v sekci hlavi\u010dky webu). Existuje spousta %o, aby to l\u00e9pe vyhovovalo va\u0161im pot\u0159eb\u00e1m."],"Basic options":["Z\u00e1kladn\u00ed mo\u017enosti"],"Color palette":["Paleta barev"],"Button color scheme":["Barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma tla\u010d\u00edtka"],"Embed codes that will be auto-inserted in editor box":["K\u00f3dy pro sd\u00edlen\u00ed, kter\u00e9 budou automaticky vlo\u017eeny do pole editoru"],"Sibling selector":["Sibling selektor"],"Sibling element selector where to place the button next to":["Sibling selektor vedle kter\u00e9ho se m\u00e1 um\u00edstit tla\u010d\u00edtko"],"Sibling position":["Pozice Siblingu"],"After":["Po"],"Before":["P\u0159ed"],"Position relative to sibling element":["Relativn\u00ed pozice vedle Siblingu"],"Advanced options":["Pokro\u010dil\u00e9 mo\u017enosti"],"The plugin has a large set of additional options that allow full customization. You can use custom HTML, CSS, own color palette, set observers and more. Check the %d and the plugin source to get a better idea of these advanced options.":["Plugin m\u00e1 velkou sadu dal\u0161\u00edch mo\u017enost\u00ed, kter\u00e9 umo\u017e\u0148uj\u00ed \u00fapln\u00e9 p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00ed. M\u016f\u017eete pou\u017e\u00edt vlastn\u00ed HTML, CSS, vlastn\u00ed paletu barev, nastavit pozorovatele a dal\u0161\u00ed. Zkontrolujte %d a zdroj pluginu, abyste z\u00edskali lep\u0161\u00ed p\u0159edstavu o t\u011bchto pokro\u010dil\u00fdch mo\u017enostech."],"You either don't have permission to access this page or the link has expired.":["Nem\u00e1te opr\u00e1vn\u011bn\u00ed k prohl\u00ed\u017een\u00ed t\u00e9to str\u00e1nky nebo odkaz ze kter\u00e9ho jste se zde dostali ji\u017e expiroval."],"Search results"p [^ B\CBx [^ [^ 00e1n\u00ed"],"Do you really want to delete this user? This can't be undone.":["Opravdu chcete odstranit tohoto u\u017eivatele? Tuto akci nelze vz\u00edt zp\u011bt."],"Delete user":["Odstranit u\u017eivatele"],"Register date":["Datum registrace"],"Registration IP":["IP p\u0159i registraci"],"Valid":["Platn\u00fd"],"Banned":["Zabanovan\u00fd"],"Awaiting email":["\u010cek\u00e1 se na e-mail"],"Awaiting confirmation":["\u010cek\u00e1 se na potvrzen\u00ed"],"%i to %f characters
Letters, numbers and \"_\"":["%i do %f znak\u016f
P\u00edsmena, \u010d\u00edsla a \"_\""],"Auto delete uploads":["Automaticky smazat nahran\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky"],"This setting will apply to all your image uploads by default. You can override this setting on each upload.":["Toto nastaven\u00ed se bude vztahovat na v\u0161echny va\u0161e nahr\u00e1van\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky jako v\u00fdchoz\u00ed nastaven\u00ed. M\u016f\u017eete p\u0159epsat toto nastaven\u00ed p\u0159i ka\u017ed\u00e9m nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed."],"Keep image Exif data<\/a> on upload":["Zachovat Exif data<\/a> obr\u00e1zku po nahr\u00e1n\u00ed"],"Newsletter":["Informa\u010dn\u00ed Bulletin"],"Send me emails with news about %s":["Zas\u00edlat mi e-maily o novink\u00e1ch z %s"],"Content settings":["Nastaven\u00ed obsahu"],"Show not safe content in listings (from others)":["Zobrazit z\u00e1vadn\u00fd obsah v seznamech (od ostatn\u00edch)"],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Timezone":["\u010casov\u00e1 z\u00f3na"],"Current password":["Sou\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"Enter your current password":["Vlo\u017ete sv\u00e9 sou\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"New password":["Nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Confirm new password":["Potvrdit nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Add a password to be able to login using your username or email.":["K tomu aby jste byli schopni se p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit u\u017eivatelsk\u00fdm jm\u00e9nem nebo e-mailem je zapot\u0159eb\u00ed p\u0159idat heslo."],"This user doesn't have a password. Add one using this form.":["Tento u\u017eivatel nem\u00e1 ulo\u017een\u00e9 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 heslo. Heslo p\u0159idejte t\u00edmto formul\u00e1\u0159em."],"Enter your password":["Vlo\u017ete va\u0161e heslo"],"Confirm password":["Potvr\u010fte heslo"],"Re-enter your password":["Napi\u0161te heslo znovu"],"Upload new image":["Nahr\u00e1t nov\u00fd soubor"],"Delete existing image":["Smazat existuj\u00edc\u00ed obr\u00e1zek"],"Make my profile and identity totally private":["Zachovat m\u016fj profil a identitu zcela soukromou"],"Enable this if you want to act like an anonymous user":["Povolte, pokud chcete p\u016fsobit jako anonymn\u00ed u\u017eivatel"],"This is your real name, not your username.":["Toto je va\u0161e opravdov\u00e9 jm\u00e9no, ne u\u017eivatelsk\u00e9."],"http:\/\/":["http:\/\/va\u0161ewebov\u00e1str\"],"Bio":["\u017divotopis"],"Tell us a little bit about you":["\u0158ekn\u011bte n\u00e1m n\u011bco o v\u00e1s..."],"User has no connections.":["U\u017eivatel nem\u00e1 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 propojen\u00ed."],"Link your account to external services to be able to login here.":["Propojte sv\u016fj \u00fa\u010det s extern\u00edmi slu\u017ebami, abyste se mohli p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit a sd\u00edlet obsah."],"Do you really want to disconnect %s from this account?":["Opravdu se chcete odpojit %s od tohoto \u00fa\u010dtu?"],"This account is connected to %s":["Tento \u00fa\u010det je propojen s %s"],"Do you really want to disconnect your %s account?":["Opravdu chcete odpojit v\u00e1\u0161 %s \u00fa\u010det?"],"You will be logged out and you won't be able to login to your account using this %s account.":["Budete odhl\u00e1\u0161en(a) a ji\u017e se nebudete moci p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit ke sv\u00e9mu \u00fa\u010dtu prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm tohoto %s \u00fa\u010dtu."],"Your account is connected to %s":["V\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det je propojen s %s"],"disconnect":["odpojit"],"Connect %s":["Propojit %s"],"Feel free to browse and discover all my shared images and albums.":["Nev\u00e1hejte a prohl\u00e9dn\u011bte si v\u0161echny m\u00e9 sd\u00edlen\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky a alba."]X[^ [^ falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b do jin\u00e9ho"],"Source storage id":["ID zdrojov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b"],"Target storage id":["ID c\u00edlov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b"],"Migrate":["Migrovat"],"This only updates the database. You must transfer the actual files to target storage container on your own. URL rewriting is strongly recommended. Use zero (0) for local.":["Toto pouze aktualizuje datab\u00e1zi. Mus\u00edte p\u0159en\u00e9st skute\u010dn\u00e9 soubory do c\u00edlov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017en\u00e9ho kontejneru. P\u0159epis URL je d\u016frazn\u011b doporu\u010den. Pou\u017eijte nulu (0) pro m\u00edstn\u00ed \u00falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b."],"social networks":["soci\u00e1ln\u00ed s\u00edt\u011b"],"You need a Facebook app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete Facebook aplikaci<\/a>."],"Facebook app id":["ID Facebook aplikace"],"Facebook app secret":["Facebook app secret"],"You need a Twitter app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete Twitter app<\/a> pro toto."],"Twitter API key":["Twitter API kl\u00ed\u010d"],"Twitter API secret":["Twitter API secret"],"Twitter account":["Twitter \u00fa\u010det"],"You need a Google app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete Google app<\/a> pro toto."],"Google client id":["Google client (klientsk\u00e9) id"],"Google client secret":["Google client secret"],"You need a VK app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete VK app<\/a> pro toto."],"VK client id":["VK client id"],"VK client secret":["VK client secret"],"%s spam protection":["Ochrana proti spamu %s"],"user generated content":["u\u017eivatelem vytvo\u0159en\u00fd obsah"],"Enable this to use %l to block spam on %c.":["Povolte tuto mo\u017enost, chcete-li pomoc\u00ed %s blokovat spam na %c."],"%s API key":["API kl\u00ed\u010d %s"],"user signup":["registrace u\u017eivatele"],"You need a reCAPTCHA key<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete reCAPTCHA kl\u00ed\u010d<\/a>."],"Please note that each reCAPTCHA version require its own set of keys. Don't forget to update the keys if you change versions.":["Vezm\u011bte pros\u00edm na v\u011bdom\u00ed, \u017ee ka\u017ed\u00e1 verze reCAPTCHA vy\u017eaduje vlastn\u00ed sadu kl\u00ed\u010d\u016f. Nezapome\u0148te aktualizovat kl\u00ed\u010de, pokud m\u011bn\u00edte verze."],"%s site key":["%s k\u00f3d str\u00e1nky"],"%s secret key":["%s tajn\u00fd k\u00f3d"],"reCAPTCHA threshold":["reCAPTCHA threshold (pr\u00e1h)"],"How many failed attempts are needed to ask for reCAPTCHA? Use zero (0) to always show reCAPTCHA.":["Kolik ne\u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u00fdch pokus\u016f je zapot\u0159eb\u00ed k vy\u017eadov\u00e1n\u00ed reCAPTCHA? Zadejte nula (0), aby se reCAPTCHA zobrazovala v\u017edy."],"Force %s on contact page":["Vynutit %s na kontaktn\u00ed str\u00e1nce"],"Enable this to always show %s on contact page.":["Aktivac\u00ed t\u00e9to funkce se bude %s v\u017edy zobrazovat na kontaktn\u00ed str\u00e1nce."],"Comments API":["API koment\u00e1\u0159\u016f"],"Disqus API works with %s.":["Disqus API pracuje s %s."],"Disqus shortname":["Va\u0161e kr\u00e1tk\u00e9 jm\u00e9no na Disqus"],"%s public key":["%s ve\u0159ejn\u00fd k\u00f3d"],"Comment code":["K\u00f3d koment\u00e1\u0159e"],"Disqus, Facebook or anything you want. It will be used in image view.":["Disqus, Facebook nebo cokoliv jin\u00e9ho. Bude pou\u017eito v zobrazen\u00ed obr\u00e1zku."],"Analytics code":["K\u00f3d analytics."],"Google Analytics or anything you want. It will be added to the theme footer.":["Google Analytics nebo cokoliv jin\u00e9ho. Bude p\u0159id\u00e1no do pati\uW~[^ X[^ :["Tento obsah je chr\u00e1n\u011bn heslem."],"Please enter your password to continue.":["Pro pokra\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed zadejte pros\u00edm va\u0161e heslo."],"Send":["Odeslat"],"Add image uploading to your website, blog or forum by installing our upload plugin. It provides image uploading to any website by placing a button that will allow your users to directly upload images to our service and it will automatically handle the codes needed for insertion. All features included like drag and drop, remote upload, image resizing and more.":["P\u0159idejte funkci nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f na sv\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky, blog nebo f\u00f3rum nainstalov\u00e1n\u00edm pluginu pro nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed. Tato funkce poskytuje mo\u017enost nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f z libovoln\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky t\u00edm, \u017ee zde um\u00edst\u00ed tla\u010d\u00edtko, kter\u00e9 umo\u017en\u00ed va\u0161im u\u017eivatel\u016fm p\u0159\u00edmo odes\u00edlat obr\u00e1zky do na\u0161\u00ed slu\u017eby a automaticky zpracuje a vytvo\u0159\u00ed k\u00f3dy pot\u0159ebn\u00e9 pro vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed. V\u0161echny funkce zahrnuj\u00ed nap\u0159\u00edklad funkci p\u0159et\u00e1hni a pus\u0165, vzd\u00e1len\u00e9 nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed, zm\u011bnu velikosti obr\u00e1zk\u016f a dal\u0161\u00ed."],"Supported software":["Podporovan\u00fd software"],"supported software":["podporovan\u00fd software"],"The plugin works in any website with user-editable content and for %sv, it will place an upload button that will match the target editor toolbar so no extra customization is needed.":["Plugin funguje na libovoln\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nce s u\u017eivatelsky upraviteln\u00fdm obsahem a pro %sv, um\u00edst\u00ed tla\u010d\u00edtko pro nahr\u00e1n\u00ed, kter\u00e9 bude odpov\u00eddat panelu n\u00e1stroj\u016f pro c\u00edlov\u00fd editor, tak\u017ee nen\u00ed pot\u0159eba dal\u0161\u00ed p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00ed."],"Add it to your website":["P\u0159idejte je na sv\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky"],"options":["mo\u017enosti"],"Copy and paste the plugin code into your website HTML code (preferably inside the head section). There are plenty %o to make it fit better to your needs.":["Zkop\u00edrujte a vlo\u017ete k\u00f3d pluginu do k\u00f3du HTML va\u0161ich str\u00e1nek (nejl\u00e9pe v sekci hlavi\u010dky webu). Existuje spousta %o, aby to l\u00e9pe vyhovovalo va\u0161im pot\u0159eb\u00e1m."],"Basic options":["Z\u00e1kladn\u00ed mo\u017enosti"],"Color palette":["Paleta barev"],"Button color scheme":["Barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma tla\u010d\u00edtka"],"Embed codes that will be auto-inserted in editor box":["K\u00f3dy pro sd\u00edlen\u00ed, kter\u00e9 budou automaticky vlo\u017eeny do pole editoru"],"Sibling selector":["Sibling selektor"],"Sibling element selector where to place the button next to":["Sibling selektor vedle kter\u00e9ho se m\u00e1 um\u00edstit tla\u010d\u00edtko"],"Sibling position":["Pozice Siblingu"],"After":["Po"],"Before":["P\u0159ed"],"Position relative to sibling element":["Relativn\u00ed pozice vedle Siblingu"],"Advanced options":["Pokro\u010dil\u00e9 mo\u017enosti"],"The plugin has a large set of additional options that allow full customization. You can use custom HTML, CSS, own color palette, set observers and more. Check the %d and the plugin source to get a better idea of these advanced options.":["Plugin m\u00e1 velkou sadu dal\u0161\u00edch mo\u017enost\u00ed, kter\u00e9 umo\u017e\u0148uj\u00ed \u00fapln\u00e9 p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00ed. M\u016f\u017eete pou\u017e\u00edt vlastn\u00ed HTML, CSS, vlastn\u00ed paletu barev, nastavit pozorovatele a dal\u0161\u00ed. Zkontrolujte %d a zdroj pluginu, abyste z\u00edskali lep\u0161\u00ed p\u0159edstavu o t\u011bchto pokro\u010dil\u00fdch mo\u017enostech."],"You either don't have permission to access this page or the link has expired.":["Nem\u00e1te opr\u00e1vn\u011bn\u00ed k prohl\u00ed\u017een\u00ed t\u00e9to str\u00e1nky nebo odkaz ze kter\u00e9ho jste se zde dostali ji\u017e expiroval."],"Search results"p [^ B\CBx [^ [^ 00e1n\u00ed"],"Do you really want to delete this user? This can't be undone.":["Opravdu chcete odstranit tohoto u\u017eivatele? Tuto akci nelze vz\u00edt zp\u011bt."],"Delete user":["Odstranit u\u017eivatele"],"Register date":["Datum registrace"],"Registration IP":["IP p\u0159i registraci"],"Valid":["Platn\u00fd"],"Banned":["Zabanovan\u00fd"],"Awaiting email":["\u010cek\u00e1 se l"],"Awaiting confirmation":["\u010cek\u00e1 se na potvrzen\u00ed"],"%i to %f characters
Letters, numbers and \"_\"":["%i do %f znak\u016f
P\u00edsmena, \u010d\u00edsla a \"_\""],"Auto delete uploads":["Automaticky smazat nahran\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky"],"This setting will apply to all your image uploads by default. You can override this setting on each upload.":["Toto nastaven\u00ed se bude vztahovat na v\u0161echny va\u0161e nahr\u00e1van\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky jako v\u00fdchoz\u00ed nastaven\u00ed. M\u016f\u017eete p\u0159epsat toto nastaven\u00ed p\u0159i ka\u017ed\u00e9m nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed."],"Keep image Exif data<\/a> on upload":["Zachovat Exif data<\/a> obr\u00e1zku po nahr\u00e1n\u00ed"],"Newsletter":["Informa\u010dn\u00ed Bulletin"],"Send me emails with news about %s":["Zas\u00edlat mi e-maily o novink\u00e1ch z %s"],"Content settings":["Nastaven\u00ed obsahu"],"Show not safe content in listings (from others)":["Zobrazit z\u00e1vadn\u00fd obsah v seznamech (od ostatn\u00edch)"],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Timezone":["\u010casov\u00e1 z\u00f3na"],"Current password":["Sou\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"Enter your current password":["Vlo\u017ete sv\u00e9 sou\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"New password":["Nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Confirm new password":["Potvrdit nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Add a password to be able to login using your username or email.":["K tomu aby jste byli schopni se p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit u\u017eivatelsk\u00fdm jm\u00e9nem nebo e-mailem je zapot\u0159eb\u00ed p\u0159idat heslo."],"This user doesn't have a password. Add one using this form.":["Tento u\u017eivatel nem\u00e1 ulo\u017een\u00e9 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 heslo. Heslo p\u0159idejte t\u00edmto formul\u00e1\u0159em."],"Enter your password":["Vlo\u017ete va\u0161e heslo"],"Confirm password":["Potvr\u010fte heslo"],"Re-enter your password":["Napi\u0161te heslo znovu"],"Upload new image":["Nahr\u00e1t nov\u00fd soubor"],"Delete existing image":["Smazat existuj\u00edc\u00ed obr\u00e1zek"],"Make my profile and identity totally private":["Zachovat m\u016fj profil a identitu zcela soukromou"],"Enable this if you want to act like an anonymous user":["Povolte, pokud chcete p\u016fsobit jako anonymn\u00ed u\u017eivatel"],"This is your real name, not your username.":["Toto je va\u0161e opravdov\u00e9 jm\u00e9no, ne u\u017eivatelsk\u00e9."],"http:\/\/":["http:\/\/va\u0161ewebov\u00e1str\"],"Bio":["\u017divotopis"],"Tell us a little bit about you":["\u0158ekn\u011bte n\u00e1m n\u011bco o v\u00e1s..."],"User has no connections.":["U\u017eivatel nem\u00e1 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 propojen\u00ed."],"Link your account to external services to be able to login here.":["Propojte sv\u016fj \u00fa\u010det s extern\u00edmi slu\u017ebami, abyste se mohli p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit a sd\u00edlet obsah."],"Do you really want to disconnect %s from this account?":["Opravdu se chcete odpojit %s od tohoto \u00fa\u010dtu?"],"This account is connected to %s":["Tento \u00fa\u010det je propojen s %s"],"Do you really want to disconnect your %s account?":["Opravdu chcete odpojit v\u00e1\u0161 %s \u00fa\u010det?"],"You will be logged out and you won't be able to login to your account using this %s account.":["Budete odhl\u00e1\u0161en(a) a ji\u017e se nebudete moci p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit ke sv\u00e9mu \u00fa\u010dtu prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm tohoto %s \u00fa\u010dtu."],"Your account is connected to %s":["V\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det je propojen s %s"],"disconnect":["odpojit"],"Connect %s":["Propojit %s"],"Feel free to browse and discover all my shared images and albums.":["Nev\u00e1hejte a prohl\u00e9dn\u011bte si v\u0161echny m\u00e9 sd\u00edlen\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky a alba."]X[^ [^ falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b do jin\u00e9ho"],"Source storage id":["ID zdrojov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b"],"Target storage id":["ID c\u00edlov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b"],"Migrate":["Migrovat"],"This only updates the database. You must transfer the actual files to target storage container on your own. URL rewriting is strongly recommended. Use zero (0) for local storage.":["Toto pouze aktualizuje datab\u00e1zi. Mus\u00edte p\u0159en\u00e9st skute\u010dn\u00e9 soubory do c\u00edlov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017en\u00e9ho kontejneru. P\u0159epis URL je d\u016frazn\u011b doporu\u010den. Pou\u017eijte nulu (0) pro m\u00edstn\u00ed \u00falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b."],"social networks":["soci\u00e1ln\u00ed s\u00edt\u011b"],"You need a Facebook app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete Facebook aplikaci<\/a>."],"Facebook app id":["ID Facebook aplikace"],"Facebook app secret":["Facebook app secret"],"You need a Twitter app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete Twitter app<\/a> pro toto."],"Twitter API key":["Twitter API kl\u00ed\u010d"],"Twitter API secret":["Twitter API secret"],"Twitter account":["Twitter \u00fa\u010det"],"You need a Google app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete Google app<\/a> pro toto."],"Google client id":["Google client (klientsk\u00e9) id"],"Google client secret":["Google client secret"],"You need a VK app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete VK app<\/a> pro toto."],"VK client id":["VK client id"],"VK client secret":["VK client secret"],"%s spam protection":["Ochrana proti spamu %s"],"user generated content":["u\u017eivatelem vytvo\u0159en\u00fd obsah"],"Enable this to use %l to block spam on %c.":["Povolte tuto mo\u017enost, chcete-li pomoc\u00ed %s blokovat spam na %c."],"%s API key":["API kl\u00ed\u010d %s"],"user signup":["registrace u\u017eivatele"],"You need a reCAPTCHA key<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete reCAPTCHA kl\u00ed\u010d<\/a>."],"Please note that each reCAPTCHA version require its own set of keys. Don't forget to update the keys if you change versions.":["Vezm\u011bte pros\u00edm na v\u011bdom\u00ed, \u017ee ka\u017ed\u00e1 verze reCAPTCHA vy\u017eaduje vlastn\u00ed sadu kl\u00ed\u010d\u016f. Nezapome\u0148te aktualizovat kl\u00ed\u010de, pokud m\dte verze."],"%s site key":["%s k\u00f3d str\u00e1nky"],"%s secret key":["%s tajn\u00fd k\u00f3d"],"reCAPTCHA threshold":["reCAPTCHA threshold (pr\u00e1h)"],"How many failed attempts are needed to ask for reCAPTCHA? Use zero (0) to always show reCAPTCHA.":["Kolik ne\u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u00fdch pokus\u016f je zapot\u0159eb\u00ed k vy\u017eadov\u00e1n\u00ed reCAPTCHA? Zadejte nula (0), aby se reCAPTCHA zobrazovala v\u017edy."],"Force %s on contact page":["Vynutit %s na kontaktn\u00ed str\u00e1nce"],"Enable this to always show %s on contact page.":["Aktivac\u00ed t\u00e9to funkce se bude %s v\u017edy zobrazovat na kontaktn\u00ed str\u00e1nce."],"Comments API":["API koment\u00e1\u0159\u016f"],"Disqus API works with %s.":["Disqus API pracuje s %s."],"Disqus shortname":["Va\u0161e kr\u00e1tk\u00e9 jm\u00e9no na Disqus"],"%s public key":["%s ve\u0159ejn\u00fd k\u00f3d"],"Comment code":["K\u00f3d koment\u00e1\u0159e"],"Disqus, Facebook or anything you want. It will be used in image view.":["Disqus, Facebook nebo cokoliv jin\u00e9ho. Bude pou\u017eito v zobrazen\u00ed obr\u00e1zku."],"Analytics code":["K\u00f3d analytics."],"Google Analytics or anything you want. It will be added to the theme footer.":["Google Analytics nebo cokoliv jin\u00e9ho. Bude p\u0159id\u00e1no do pati\up [^ B\CBx [^ [^ 00e1n\u00ed"],"Do you really want to delete this user? This can't be undone.":["Opravdu chcete odstranit tohoto u\u017eivatele? Tuto akci nelze vz\u00edt zp\u011bt."],"Delete user":["Odstranit u\u017eivatele"],"Register date":["Datum registrace"],"Registration IP":["IP p\u0159i registraci"],"Valid":["Platn\u00fd"],"Banned":["Zabanovan\u00fd"],"Awaiting email":["\u010cek\u00e1 se na e-mail"],"Awaiting confirmation":["\u010cek\u00e1 se na potvrzen\u00ed"],"%i to %f characters
Letters, numbers and \"_\"":["%i do %f znak\u016f
P\u00edsmena, \u010d\u00edsla a \"_\""],"Auto delete uploads":["Automaticky smazat nahran\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky"],"This setting will apply to all your image uploads by default. You can override this setting on each upload.":["Toto nastaven\u00ed se bude vztahovat na v\u0161echny va\u0161e nahr\u00e1van\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky jako v\u00fdchoz\u00ed nastaven\u00ed. M\u016f\u017eete p\u0159epsat toto nastaven\u00ed p\u0159i ka\u017ed\u00e9m nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed."],"Keep image Exif data<\/a> on upload":["Zachovat Exif data<\/a> obr\u00e1zku po nahr\u00e1n\u00ed"],"Newsletter":["Informa\u010dn\u00ed Bulletin"],"Send me emails with news about %s":["Zas\u00edlat mi e-maily o novink\u00e1ch z %s"],"Content settings":["Nastaven\u00ed obsahu"],"Show not safe content in listings (from others)":["Zobrazit z\u00e1vadn\u00fd obsah v seznamech (od ostatn\u00edch)"],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Timezone":["\u010casov\u00e1 z\u00f3na"],"Current password":["Sou\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"Enter your current password":["Vlo\u017ete sv\u00e9 sou\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"New password":["Nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Confirm new password":["Potvrdit nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Add a password to be able to login using your username or email.":["K tomu aby jste byli schopni se p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit u\u017eivatelsk\u00fdm jm\u00e9nem nebo e-mailem je zapot\u0159eb\u00ed p\u0159idat heslo."],"This user doesn't have a password. Add one using this form.":["Tento u\u017eivatel nem\u00e1 ulo\u017een\u00e9 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 heslo. Heslo p\u0159idejte t\u00edmto formul\u00e1\u0159em."],"Enter your password":["Vlo\u017ete va\u0161e heslo"],"Confirm password":["Potvr\u010fte heslo"],"Re-enter your password":["Napi\u0161te heslo znovu"],"Upload new image":["Nahr\u00e1t nov\u00fd soubor"],"Delete existing image":["Smazat existuj\u00edc\u00ed obr\u00e1zek"],"Make my profile and identity totally private":["Zachovat m\u016fj profil a identitu zcela soukromou"],"Enable this if you want to act like an anonymous user":["Povolte, pokud chcete p\u016fsobit jako anonymn\u00ed u\u017eivatel"],"This is your real name, not your username.":["Toto je va\u0161e opravdov\u00e9 jm\u00e9no, ne u\u017eivatelsk\u00e9."],"http:\/\/":["http:\/\/va\u0161ewebov\u00e1str\"],"Bio":["\u017divotopis"],"Tell us a little bit about you":["\u0158ekn\u011bte n\u00e1m n\u011bco o v\u00e1s..."],"User has no connections.":["U\u017eivatel nem\u00e1 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 propojen\u00ed."],"Link your account to external services to be able to login here.":["Propojte sv\u016fj \u00fa\u010det s extern\u00edmi slu\u017ebami, abyste se mohli p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit a sd\u00edlet obsah."],"Do you really want to disconnect %s from this account?":["Opravdu se chcete odpojit %s od tohoto \u00fa\u010dtu?"],"This account is connected to %s":["Tento \u00fa\u010det je propojen s %s"],"Do you really want to disconnect your %s account?":["Opravdu chcete odpojit v\u00e1\u0161 %s \u00fa\u010det?"],"You will be logged out and you won't be able to login to your account using this %s account.":["Budete odhl\u00e1\u0161en(a) a ji\u017e se nebudete moci p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit ke sv\u00e9mu \u00fa\u010dtu prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm tohoto %s \u00fa\u010dtu."],"Your account is connected to %s":["V\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det je propojen s %s"],"disconnect":["odpojit"],"Connect %s":["Propojit %s"],"Feel free to browse and discover all my shared images and albums.":["Nev\u00e1hejte a prohl\u00e9dn\u011bte si v\u0161echny m\u00e9 sd\u00edlen\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky a alba."]W~[^ X[^ :["Tento obsah je chr\u00e1n\u011bn heslem."],"Please enter your password to continue.":["Pro pokra\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed zadejte pros\u00edm va\u0161e heslo."],"Send":["Odeslat"],"Add image uploading to your website, blog or forum by installing our upload plugin. It provides image uploading to any website by placing a button that will allow your users to directly upload images to our service and it will automatically handle the codes needed for insertion. All features included like drag and drop, remote upload, image resizing and more.":["P\u0159idejte funkci nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f na sv\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky, blog nebo f\u00f3rum nainstalov\u00e1n\u00edm pluginu pro nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed. Tato funkce poskytuje mo\u017enost nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f z libovoln\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky t\u00edm, \u017ee zde um\u00edst\u00ed tla\u010d\u00edtko, kter\u00e9 umo\u017en\u00ed va\u0161im u\u017eivatel\u016fm p\u0159\u00edmo odes\u00edlat obr\u00e1zky do na\u0161\u00ed slu\u017eby a automaticky zpracuje a vytvo\u0159\u00ed k\u00f3dy pot\u0159ebn\u00e9 pro vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed. V\u0161echny funkce zahrnuj\u00ed nap\u0159\u00edklad funkci p\u0159et\u00e1hni a pus\u0165, vzd\u00e1len\u00e9 nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed, zm\u011bnu velikosti obr\u00e1zk\u016f a dal\u0161\u00ed."],"Supported software":["Podporovan\u00fd software"],"supported software":["podporovan\u00fd software"],"The plugin works in any website with user-editable content and for %sv, it will place an upload button that will match the target editor toolbar so no extra customization is needed.":["Plugin funguje na libovoln\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nce s u\u017eivatelsky upraviteln\u00fdm obsahem a pro %sv, um\u00edst\u00ed tla\u010d\u00edtko pro nahr\u00e1n\u00ed, kter\u00e9 bude odpov\u00eddat panelu n\u00e1stroj\u016f pro c\u00edlov\u00fd editor, tak\u017ee nen\u00ed pot\u0159eba dal\u0161\u00ed p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00ed."],"Add it to your website":["P\u0159idejte je na sv\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky"],"options":["mo\u017enosti"],"Copy and paste the plugin code into your website HTML code (preferably inside the head section). There are plenty %o to make it fit better to your needs.":["Zkop\u00edrujte a vlo\u017ete k\u00f3d pluginu do k\u00f3du HTML va\u0161ich str\u00e1nek (nejl\u00e9pe v sekci hlavi\u010dky webu). Existuje spousta %o, aby to l\u00e9pe vyhovovalo va\u0161im pot\u0159eb\u00e1m."],"Basic options":["Z\u00e1kladn\u00ed mo\u017enosti"],"Color palette":["Paleta barev"],"Button color scheme":["Barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma tla\u010d\u00edtka"],"Embed codes that will be auto-inserted in editor box":["K\u00f3dy pro sd\u00edlen\u00ed, kter\u00e9 budou automaticky vlo\u017eeny do pole editoru"],"Sibling selector":["Sibling selektor"],"Sibling element selector where to place the button next to":["Sibling selektor vedle kter\u00e9ho se m\u00e1 um\u00edstit tla\u010d\u00edtko"],"Sibling position":["Pozice Siblingu"],"After":["Po"],"Before":["P\u0159ed"],"Position relative to sibling element":["Relativn\u00ed pozice vedle Siblingu"],"Advanced options":["Pokro\u010dil\u00e9 mo\u017enosti"],"The plugin has a large set of additional options that allow full customization. You can use custom HTML, CSS, own color palette, set observers and more. Check the %d and the plugin source to get a better idea of these advanced options.":["Plugin m\u00e1 velkou sadu dal\u0161\u00edch mo\u017enost\u00ed, kter\u00e9 umo\u017e\u0148uj\u00ed \u00fapln\u00e9 p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00ed. M\u016f\u017eete pou\u017e\u00edt vlastn\u00ed HTML, CSS, vlastn\u00ed paletu barev, nastavit pozorovatele a dal\u0161\u00ed. Zkontrolujte %d a zdroj pluginu, abyste z\u00edskali lep\u0161\u00ed p\u0159edstavu o t\u011bchto pokro\u010dil\u00fdch mo\u017enostech."],"You either don't have permission to access this page or the link has expired.":["Nem\u00e1te opr\u00e1vn\u011bn\u00ed k prohl\u00ed\u017een\u00ed t\u00e9to str\u00e1nky nebo odkaz ze kter\u00e9ho jste se zde dostali ji\u017e expiroval."],"Search results" [^ rocentu\u00e1ln\u00ed velikost vodoznaku v pom\u011bru k plo\u0161e c\u00edlov\u00e9ho obr\u00e1zku. Hodnoty od 1 do 100."],"Watermark margin":["Odsazen\u00ed vodoznaku."],"Margin from the border of the image to the watermark image.":["Odsazen\u00ed od okraje obr\u00e1zku po vodoznak."],"Watermark opacity":["Pr\u016fhlednost vodoznaku."],"Opacity of the watermark in the final watermarked image. Values 0 to 100.":["Pr\u016fhlednost vodoznaku vzhledem k obr\u00e1zku. Hodnoty od 0 do 100."],"Dashboard > Settings > Website":["Administrace > Nastaven\u00ed > Webov\u00e1 str\u00e1nka"],"Categories won't work when the explorer feature is turned off. To revert this setting go to %s.":["Kategorie nebudou fungovat, pokud je tato funkce pr\u016fzkumn\u00edka vypnuta. Pro zm\u011bnu tohoto nastaven\u00ed b\u011b\u017ete do %s."],"Do you really want to delete the %s category? This can't be undone.":["Opravdu chcete odstranit tuto %s kategorii? (Tuto akci nelze vr\u00e1tit zp\u011bt)"],"Note: Deleting a category doesn't delete the images that belongs to that category.":["Upozorn\u011bn\u00ed: Odstran\u011bn\u00ed kategorie nezp\u016fsob\u00ed odstran\u011bn\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f do n\u00ed za\u0159azen\u00fdch."],"Edit category":["Uprav kategorii"],"Expires":["Vypr\u0161\u00ed"],"Do you really want to remove the ban to the IP %s? This can't be undone.":["Opravdu chcete odstranit z\u00e1kaz pro tuto IP %s? Tato akce nelze vr\u00e1tit zp\u011bt."],"Banned IP address will be forbidden to use the entire website.":["Zak\u00e1zan\u00fdm IP adres\u00e1m bude znemo\u017en\u011bn p\u0159\u00edstup na cel\u00fd tento web."],"Edit IP ban":["Upravit IP z\u00e1kaz"],"Enable signups":["Povolit registrace"],"Enable this if you want to allow users to signup.":["Povolte, pokud chcete povolit u\u017eivatel\u016fm registraci."],"Enable user content delete":["Povolit smaz\u00e1n\u00ed obsahu u\u017eivatele"],"Enable this if you want to allow users to delete their own content. This setting doesn't affect administrators.":["Zapn\u011bte tuto funkci, pokud chcete u\u017eivatel\u016fm povolit smazat vlastn\u00ed obsah. Toto nastaven\u00ed nem\u00e1 vliv na spr\u00e1vce."],"Minimum age required":["Po\u017eadavek na minim\u00e1ln\u00ed v\u011bk"],"Empty":["Pr\u00e1zdn\u00e9"],"Leave it empty to don't require a minimum age to use the website.":["Zanechte pole pr\u00e1zdn\u00e9, pokud nevy\u017eadujete minim\u00e1ln\u00ed v\u011bk u\u017eivatele pro pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed t\u00e9to webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky."],"Notify on user signup":["Upozornit na registraci u\u017eivatele"],"Enable this if you want to get an email notification for each new user signup.":["Povolte to, pokud chcete dostat e-mailov\u00e9 upozorn\u011bn\u00ed pro ka\u017edou novou registraci u\u017eivatele."],"Username routing":["Routov\u00e1n\u00ed u\u017eivatelsk\u00e9ho jm\u00e9na"],"Enable this if you want to use %s\/username URLs instead of %s\/user\/username.":["Povolte pokud chcete pou\u017e\u00edvat URL ve form\u00e1tu %s\/uzivatelskejmeno nam\u00edsto %s\/uzivatel\/username."],"Require email confirmation":["Je vy\u017eadov\u00e1no potvrzen\u00ed e-mailu"],"Enable this if users must validate their email address on sign up.":["Povolte pokud u\u017eivatel\u00e9 mus\u00ed potvrdit svou e-mailovou schr\u00e1nku b\u011bhem registrace."],"Require email for social signup":["K p\u0159ihl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed p\u0159es soci\u00e1ln\u00ed s\u00ed\u0165 je vy\u017eadov\u00e1n e-mail."],"Enable this if users using social networks to register must provide an email address.":["Povolte pokud u\u017eivatel\u00e9, vyu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00edc\u00ed k registraci soci\u00e1ln\u00ed s\u00edt\u011b, budou muset tak\u00e9 poskytnou svou e-mailovou adresu."],"User avatar max. filesize":["Max. velikost souboru avatara"],"Max. allowed filesize for user avatar image. (Max allowed by server is %s)":["Max. povolen\u00e1 velikost souboru obr\u00e1zku avatara. (Max. velikost povolen\u00e1 serverem je %s)"],"User background max. filesize":["Max. velikost souboru u\u017eivatelsk\u00e9hW~[^ X[^ :["Tento obsah je chr\u00e1n\u011bn heslem."],"Please enter your password to continue.":["Pro pokra\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed zadejte pros\u00edm va\u0161e heslo."],"Send":["Odeslat"],"Add image uploading to your website, blog or forum by installing our upload plugin. It provides image uploading to any website by placing a button that will allow your users to directly upload images to our service and it will automatically handle the codes needed for insertion. All features included like drag and drop, remote upload, image resizing and more.":["P\u0159idejte funkci nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f na sv\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky, blog nebo f\u00f3rum nainstalov\u00e1n\u00edm pluginu pro nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed. Tato funkce poskytuje mo\u017enost nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f z libovoln\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky t\u00edm, \u017ee zde um\u00edst\u00ed tla\u010d\u00edtko, kter\u00e9 umo\u017en\u00ed va\u0161im u\u017eivatel\u016fm p\u0159\u00edmo odes\u00edlat obr\u00e1zky do na\u0161\u00ed slu\u017eby a automaticky zpracuje a vytvo\u0159\u00ed k\u00f3dy pot\u0159ebn\u00e9 pro vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed. V\u0161echny funkce zahrnuj\u00ed nap\u0159\u00edklad funkci p\u0159et\u00e1hni a pus\u0165, vzd\u00e1len\u00e9 nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed, zm\u011bnu velikosti obr\u00e1zk\u016f a dal\u0161\u00ed."],"Supported software":["Podporovan\u00fd software"],"supported software":["podporovan\u00fd software"],"The plugin works in any website with user-editable content and for %sv, it will place an upload button that will match the target editor toolbar so no extra customization is needed.":["Plugin funguje na libovoln\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nce s u\u017eivatelsky upraviteln\u00fdm obsahem a pro %sv, um\u00edst\u00ed tla\u010d\u00edtko pro nahr\u00e1n\u00ed, kter\u00e9 bude odpov\u00eddat panelu n\u00e1stroj\u016f pro c\u00edlov\u00fd editor, tak\u017ee nen\u00ed pot\u0159eba dal\u0161\u00ed p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00ed."],"Add it to your website":["P\u0159idejte je na sv\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky"],"options":["mo\u017enosti"],"Copy and paste the plugin code into your website HTML code (preferably inside the head section). There are plenty %o to make it fit better to your needs.":["Zkop\u00edrujte a vlo\u017ete k\u00f3d pluginu do k\u00f3du HTML va\u0161ich str\u00e1nek (nejl\u00e9pe v sekci hlavi\u010dky webu). Existuje spousta %o, aby to l\u00e9pe vyhovovalo va\u0161im pot\u0159eb\u00e1m."],"Basic options":["Z\u00e1kladn\u00ed mo\u017enosti"],"Color palette":["Paleta barev"],"Button color scheme":["Barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma tla\u010d\u00edtka"],"Embed codes that will be auto-inserted in editor box":["K\u00f3dy pro sd\u00edlen\u00ed, kter\u00e9 budou automaticky vlo\u017eeny do pole editoru"],"Sibling selector":["Sibling selektor"],"Sibling element selector where to place the button next to":["Sibling selektor vedle kter\u00e9ho se m\u00e1 um\u00edstit tla\u010d\u00edtko"],"Sibling position":["Pozice Siblingu"],"After":["Po"],"Before":["P\u0159ed"],"Position relative to sibling element":["Relativn\u00ed pozice vedle Siblingu"],"Advanced options":["Pokro\u010dil\u00e9 mo\u017enosti"],"The plugin has a large set of additional options that allow full customization. You can use custom HTML, CSS, own color palette, set observers and more. Check the %d and the plugin source to get a better idea of these advanced options.":["Plugin m\u00e1 velkou sadu dal\u0161\u00edch mo\u017enost\u00ed, kter\u00e9 umo\u017e\u0148uj\u00ed \u00fapln\u00e9 p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00ed. M\u016f\u017eete pou\u017e\u00edt vlastn\u00ed HTML, CSS, vlastn\u00ed paletu barev, nastavit pozorovatele a dal\u0161\u00ed. Zkontrolujte %d a zdroj pluginu, abyste z\u00edskali lep\u0161\u00ed p\u0159edstavu o t\u011bchto pokro\u010dil\u00fdch mo\u017enostech."],"You either don't have permission to access this page or the link has expired.":["Nem\u00e1te opr\u00e1vn\u011bn\u00ed k prohl\u00ed\u017een\u00ed t\u00e9to str\u00e1nky nebo odkaz ze kter\u00e9ho jste se zde dostali ji\u017e expiroval."],"Search results"X[^ [^ falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b do jin\u00e9ho"],"Source storage id":["ID zdrojov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b"],"Target storage id":["ID c\u00edlov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b"],"Migrate":["Migrovat"],"This only updates the database. You must transfer the actual files to target storage container on your own. URL rewriting is strongly recommended. Use zero (0) for local storage.":["Toto pouze aktualizuje datab\u00e1zi. Mus\u00edte p\u0159en\u00e9st skute\u010dn\u00e9 soubory do c\u00edlov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017en\u00e9ho kontejneru. P\u0159epis URL je d\u016frazn\u011b doporu\u010den. Pou\u017eijte nulu (0) pro m\u00edstn\u00ed \u00falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b."],"social networks":["soci\u00e1ln\u00ed s\u00edt\u011b"],"You need a Facebook app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete Facebook aplikaci<\/a>."],"Facebook app id":["ID Facebook aplikace"],"Facebook app secret":["Facebook app secret"],"You need a Twitter app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete Twitter app<\/a> pro toto."],"Twitter API key":["Twitter API kl\u00ed\u010d"],"Twitter API secret":["Twitter API secret"],"Twitter account":["Twitter \u00fa\u010det"],"You need a Google app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete Google app<\/a> pro toto."],"Google client id":["Google client (klientsk\u00e9) id"],"Google client secret":["Google client secret"],"You need a VK app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete VK app<\/a> pro toto."],"VK client id":["VK client id"],"VK client secret":["VK client secret"],"%s spam protection":["Ochrana proti spamu %s"],"user generated content":["u\u017eivatelem vytvo\u0159en\u00fd obsah"],"Enable this to use %l to block spam on %c.":["Povolte tuto mo\u017enost, chcete-li pomoc\u00ed %s blokovat spam na %c."],"%s API key":["API kl\u00ed\u010d %s"],"user signup":["registrace u\u017eivatele"],"You need a reCAPTCHA key<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete reCAPTCHA kl\u00ed\u010d<\/a>."],"Please note that each reCAPTCHA version require its own set of keys. Don't forget to update the keys if you change versions.":["Vezm\u011bte pros\u00edm na v\u011bdom\u00ed, \u017ee ka\u017ed\u00e1 verze reCAPTCHA vy\u017eaduje vlastn\u00ed sadu kl\u00ed\u010d\u016f. Nezapome\u0148te aktualizovat kl\u00ed\u010de, pokud m\u011bn\u00edte verze."],"%s site key":["%s k\u00f3d str\u00e1nky"],"%s secret key":["%s tajn\u00fd k\u00f3d"],"reCAPTCHA threshold":["reCAPTCHA threshold (pr\u00e1h)"],"How many failed attempts are needed to ask for reCAPTCHA? Use zero (0) to always show reCAPTCHA.":["Kolik ne\u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u00fdch pokus\u016f je zapot\u0159eb\u00ed k vy\u017eadov\u00e1n\u00ed reCAPTCHA? Zadejte nula (0), aby se reCAPTCHA zobrazovala v\u017edy."],"Force %s on contact page":["Vynutit %s na kontaktn\u00ed str\u00e1nce"],"Enable this to always show %s on contact page.":["Aktivac\u00ed t\u00e9to funkce se bude %s v\u017edy zobrazovat na kontaktn\u00ed str\u00e1nce."],"Comments API":["API koment\u00e1\u0159\u016f"],"Disqus API works with %s.":["Disqus API pracuje s %s."],"Disqus shortname":["Va\u0161e kr\u00e1tk\u00e9 jm\u00e9no na Disqus"],"%s public key":["%s ve\u0159ejn\u00fd k\u00f3d"],"Comment code":["K\u00f3d koment\u00e1\u0159e"],"Disqus, Facebook or anything you want. It will be used in image view.":["Disqus, Facebook nebo cokoliv jin\u00e9ho. Bude pou\u017eito v zobrazen\u00ed obr\u00e1zku."],"Analytics code":["K\u00f3d analytics."],"Google Analytics or anything you want. It will be added to the theme footer.":["Google Analytics nebo cokoliv jin\u00e9ho. Bude p\u0159id\u00e1no do pati\up [^ B\CBx [^ [^ 00e1n\u00ed"],"Do you really want to delete this user? This can't be undone.":["Opravdu chcete odstranit tohoto u\u017eivatele? Tuto akci nelze vz\u00edt zp\u011bt."],"Delete user":["Odstranit u\u017eivatele"],"Register date":["Datum registrace"],"Registration IP":["IP p\u0159i registraci"],"Valid":["Platn\u00fd"],"Banned":["Zabanovan\u00fd"],"Awaiting email":["\u010cek\u00e1 se na e-mail"],"Awaiting confirmation":["\u010cek\u00e1 se na potvrzen\u00ed"],"%i to %f characters
Letters, numbers and \"_\"":["%i do %f znak\u016f
P\u00edsmena, \u010d\u00edsla a \"_\""],"Auto delete uploads":["Automaticky smazat nahran\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky"],"This setting will apply to all your image uploads by default. You can override this setting on each upload.":["Toto nastaven\u00ed se bude vztahovat na v\u0161echny va\u0161e nahr\u00e1van\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky jako v\u00fdchoz\u00ed nastaven\u00ed. M\u016f\u017eete p\u0159epsat toto nastaven\u00ed p\u0159i ka\u017ed\u00e9m nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed."],"Keep image Exif data<\/a> on upload":["Zachovat Exif data<\/a> obr\u00e1zku po nahr\u00e1n\u00ed"],"Newsletter":["Informa\u010dn\u00ed Bulletin"],"Send me emails with news about %s":["Zas\u00edlat mi e-maily o novink\u00e1ch z %s"],"Content settings":["Nastaven\u00ed obsahu"],"Show not safe content in listings (from others)":["Zobrazit z\u00e1vadn\u00fd obsah v seznamech (od ostatn\u00edch)"],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Timezone":["\u010casov\u00e1 z\u00f3na"],"Current password":["Sou\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"Enter your current password":["Vlo\u017ete sv\u00e9 sou\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"New password":["Nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Confirm new password":["Potvrdit nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Add a password to be able to login using your username or email.":["K tomu aby jste byli schopni se p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit u\u017eivatelsk\u00fdm jm\u00e9nem nebo e-mailem je zapot\u0159eb\u00ed p\u0159idat heslo."],"This user doesn't have a password. Add one using this form.":["Tento u\u017eivatel nem\u00e1 ulo\u017een\u00e9 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 heslo. Heslo p\u0159idejte t\u00edmto formul\u00e1\u0159em."],"Enter your password":["Vlo\u017ete va\u0161e heslo"],"Confirm password":["Potvr\u010fte heslo"],"Re-enter your password":["Napi\u0161te heslo znovu"],"Upload new image":["Nahr\u00e1t nov\u00fd soubor"],"Delete existing image":["Smazat existuj\u00edc\u00ed obr\u00e1zek"],"Make my profile and identity totally private":["Zachovat m\u016fj profil a identitu zcela soukromou"],"Enable this if you want to act like an anonymous user":["Povolte, pokud chcete p\u016fsobit jako anonymn\u00ed u\u017eivatel"],"This is your real name, not your username.":["Toto je va\u0161e opravdov\u00e9 jm\u00e9no, ne u\u017eivatelsk\u00e9."],"http:\/\/":["http:\/\/va\u0161ewebov\u00e1str\"],"Bio":["\u017divotopis"],"Tell us a little bit about you":["\u0158ekn\u011bte n\u00e1m n\u011bco o v\u00e1s..."],"User has no connections.":["U\u017eivatel nem\u00e1 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 propojen\u00ed."],"Link your account to external services to be able to login here.":["Propojte sv\u016fj \u00fa\u010det s extern\u00edmi slu\u017ebami, abyste se mohli p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit a sd\u00edlet obsah."],"Do you really want to disconnect %s from this account?":["Opravdu se chcete odpojit %s od tohoto \u00fa\u010dtu?"],"This account is connected to %s":["Tento \u00fa\u010det je propojen s %s"],"Do you really want to disconnect your %s account?":["Opravdu chcete odpojit v\u00e1\u0161 %s \u00fa\u010det?"],"You will be logged out and you won't be able to login to your account using this %s account.":["Budete odhl\u00e1\u0161en(a) a ji\u017e se nebudete moci p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit ke sv\u00e9mu \u00fa\u010dtu prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm tohoto %s \u00fa\u010dtu."],"Your account is connected to %s":["V\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det je propojen s %s"],"disconnect":["odpojit"],"Connect %s":["Propojit %s"],"Feel free to browse and discover all my shared images and albums.":["Nev\u00e1hejte a prohl\u00e9dn\u011bte si v\u0161echny m\u00e9 sd\u00edlen\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky a alba."]X[^ [^ falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b do jin\u00e9ho"],"Source storage id":["ID zdrojov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b"],"Target storage id":["ID c\u00edlov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b"],"Migrate":["Migrovat"],"This only updates the database. You must transfer the actual files to target storage container on your own. URL rewriting is strongly recommended. Use zero (0) for local storage.":["Toto pouze aktualizuje datab\u00e1zi. Mus\u00edte p\u0159en\u00e9st skute\u010dn\u00e9 soubory do c\u00edlov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017en\u00e9ho kontejneru. P\u0159epis URL je d\u016frazn\u011b doporu\u010den. Pou\u017eijte nulu (0) pro m\u00edstn\u00ed \u00falo\u017ei\u0161t\u011b."],"social networks":["soci\u00e1ln\u00ed s\u00edt\u011b"],"You need a Facebook app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete Facebook aplikaci<\/a>."],"Facebook app id":["ID Facebook aplikace"],"Facebook app secret":["Facebook app secret"],"You need a Twitter app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete Twitter app<\/a> pro toto."],"Twitter API key":["Twitter API kl\u00ed\u010d"],"Twitter API secret":["Twitter API secret"],"Twitter account":["Twitter \u00fa\u010det"],"You need a Google app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete Google app<\/a> pro toto."],"Google client id":["Google client (klientsk\u00e9) id"],"Google client secret":["Google client secret"],"You need a VK app<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete VK app<\/a> pro toto."],"VK client id":["VK client id"],"VK client secret":["VK client secret"],"%s spam protection":["Ochrana proti spamu %s"],"user generated content":["u\u017eivatelem vytvo\u0159en\u00fd obsah"],"Enable this to use %l to block spam on %c.":["Povolte tuto mo\u017enost, chcete-li pomoc\u00ed %s blokovat spam na %c."],"%s API key":["API kl\u00ed\u010d %s"],"user signup":["registrace u\u017eivatele"],"You need a reCAPTCHA key<\/a> for this.":["Pot\u0159ebujete reCAPTCHA kl\u00ed\u010d<\/a>."],"Please note that each reCAPTCHA version require its own set of keys. Don't forget to update the keys if you change versions.":["Vezm\u011bte pros\u00edm na v\u011bdom\u00ed, \u017ee ka\u017ed\u00e1 verze reCAPTCHA vy\u017eaduje vlastn\u00ed sadu kl\u00ed\u010d\u016f. Nezapome\u0148te aktualizovat kl\u00ed\u010de, pokud m\u011bn\u00edte verze."],"%s site key":["%s k\u00f3d str\u00e1nky"],"%s secret key":["%s tajn\u00fd k\u00f3d"],"reCAPTCHA threshold":["reCAPTCHA threshold (pr\u00e1h)"],"How many failed attempts are needed to ask for reCAPTCHA? Use zero (0) to always show reCAPTCHA.":["Kolik ne\u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u00fdch pokus\u016f je zapot\u0159eb\u00ed k vy\u017eadov\u00e1n\u00ed reCAPTCHA? Zadejte nula (0), aby se reCAPTCHA zobrazovala v\u017edy."],"Force %s on contact page":["Vynutit %s na kontaktn\u00ed str\u00e1nce"],"Enable this to always show %s on contact page.":["Aktivac\u00ed t\u00e9to funkce se bude %s v\u017edy zobrazovat na kontaktn\u00ed str\u00e1nce."],"Comments API":["API koment\u00e1\u0159\u016f"],"Disqus API works with %s.":["Disqus API pracuje s %s."],"Disqus shortname":["Va\u0161e kr\u00e1tk\u00e9 jm\u00e9no na Disqus"],"%s public key":["%s ve\u0159ejn\u00fd k\u00f3d"],"Comment code":["K\u00f3d koment\u00e1\u0159e"],"Disqus, Facebook or anything you want. It will be used in image view.":["Disqus, Facebook nebo cokoliv jin\u00e9ho. Bude pou\u017eito v zobrazen\u00ed obr\u00e1zku."],"Analytics code":["K\u00f3d analytics."],"Google Analytics or anything you want. It will be added to the theme footer.":["Google Analytics nebo cokoliv jin\u00e9ho. Bude p\u0159id\u00e1no do pati\u [^ rocentu\u00e1ln\u00ed velikost vodoznaku v pom\u011bru k plo\u0161e c\u00edlov\u00e9ho obr\u00e1zku. Hodnoty od 1 do 100."],"Watermark margin":["Odsazen\u00ed vodoznaku."],"Margin from the border of the image to the watermark image.":["Odsazen\u00ed od okraje obr\u00e1zku po vodoznak."],"Watermark opacity":["Pr\u016fhlednost vodoznaku."],"Opacity of the watermark in the final watermarked image. Values 0 to 100.":["Pr\u016fhlednost vodoznaku vzhledem k obr\u00e1zku. Hodnoty od 0 do 100."],"Dashboard > Settings > Website":["Administrace > Nastaven\u00ed > Webov\u00e1 str\u00e1nka"],"Categories won't work when the explorer feature is turned off. To revert this setting go to %s.":["Kategorie nebudou fungovat, pokud je tato funkce pr\u016fzkumn\u00edka vypnuta. Pro zm\u011bnu tohoto nastaven\u00ed b\u011b\u017ete do %s."],"Do you really want to delete the %s category? This can't be undone.":["Opravdu chcete odstranit tuto %s kategorii? (Tuto akci nelze vr\u00e1tit zp\u011bt)"],"Note: Deleting a category doesn't delete the images that belongs to that category.":["Upozorn\u011bn\u00ed: Odstran\u011bn\u00ed kategorie nezp\u016fsob\u00ed odstran\u011bn\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f do n\u00ed za\u0159azen\u00fdch."],"Edit category":["Uprav kategorii"],"Expires":["Vypr\u0161\u00ed"],"Do you really want to remove the ban to the IP %s? This can't be undone.":["Opravdu chcete odstranit z\u00e1kaz pro tuto IP %s? Tato akce nelze vr\u00e1tit zp\u011bt."],"Banned IP address will be forbidden to use the entire website.":["Zak\u00e1zan\u00fdm IP adres\u00e1m bude znemo\u017en\u011bn p\u0159\u00edstup na cel\u00fd tento web."],"Edit IP ban":["Upravit IP z\u00e1kaz"],"Enable signups":["Povolit registrace"],"Enable this if you want to allow users to signup.":["Povolte, pokud chcete povolit u\u017eivatel\u016fm registraci."],"Enable user content delete":["Povolit smaz\u00e1n\u00ed obsahu u\u017eivatele"],"Enable this if you want to allow users to delete their own content. This setting doesn't affect administrators.":["Zapn\u011bte tuto funkci, pokud chcete u\u017eivatel\u016fm povolit smazat vlastn\u00ed obsah. Toto nastaven\u00ed nem\u00e1 vliv na spr\u00e1vce."],"Minimum age required":["Po\u017eadavek na minim\u00e1ln\u00ed v\u011bk"],"Empty":["Pr\u00e1zdn\u00e9"],"Leave it empty to don't require a minimum age to use the website.":["Zanechte pole pr\u00e1zdn\u00e9, pokud nevy\u017eadujete minim\u00e1ln\u00ed v\u011bk u\u017eivatele pro pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed t\u00e9to webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky."],"Notify on user signup":["Upozornit na registraci u\u017eivatele"],"Enable this if you want to get an email notification for each new user signup.":["Povolte to, pokud chcete dostat e-mailov\u00e9 upozorn\u011bn\u00ed pro ka\u017edou novou registraci u\u017eivatele."],"Username routing":["Routov\u00e1n\u00ed u\u017eivatelsk\u00e9ho jm\u00e9na"],"Enable this if you want to use %s\/username URLs instead of %s\/user\/username.":["Povolte pokud chcete pou\u017e\u00edvat URL ve form\u00e1tu %s\/uzivatelskejmeno nam\u00edsto %s\/uzivatel\/username."],"Require email confirmation":["Je vy\u017eadov\u00e1no potvrzen\u00ed e-mailu"],"Enable this if users must validate their email address on sign up.":["Povolte pokud u\u017eivatel\u00e9 mus\u00ed potvrdit svou e-mailovou schr\u00e1nku b\u011bhem registrace."],"Require email for social signup":["K p\u0159ihl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed p\u0159es soci\u00e1ln\u00ed s\u00ed\u0165 je vy\u017eadov\u00e1n e-mail."],"Enable this if users using social networks to register must provide an email address.":["Povolte pokud u\u017eivatel\u00e9, vyu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00edc\u00ed k registraci soci\u00e1ln\u00ed s\u00edt\u011b, budou muset tak\u00e9 poskytnou svou e-mailovou adresu."],"User avatar max. filesize":["Max. velikost souboru avatara"],"Max. allowed filesize for user avatar image. (Max allowed by server is %s)":["Max. povolen\u00e1 velikost souboru obr\u00e1zku avatara. (Max. velikost povolen\u00e1 serverem je %s)"],"User background max. filesize":["Max. velikost souboru u\u017eivatelsk\u00e9hW~[^ X[^ :["Tento obsah je chr\u00e1n\u011bn heslem."],"Please enter your password to continue.":["Pro pokra\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed zadejte pros\u00edm va\u0161e heslo."],"Send":["Odeslat"],"Add image uploading to your website, blog or forum by installing our upload plugin. It provides image uploading to any website by placing a button that will allow your users to directly upload images to our service and it will automatically handle the codes needed for insertion. All features included like drag and drop, remote upload, image resizing and more.":["P\u0159idejte funkci nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f na sv\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky, blog nebo f\u00f3rum nainstalov\u00e1n\u00edm pluginu pro nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed. Tato funkce poskytuje mo\u017enost nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f z libovoln\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky t\u00edm, \u017ee zde um\u00edst\u00ed tla\u010d\u00edtko, kter\u00e9 umo\u017en\u00ed va\u0161im u\u017eivatel\u016fm p\u0159\u00edmo odes\u00edlat obr\u00e1zky do na\u0161\u00ed slu\u017eby a automaticky zpracuje a vytvo\u0159\u00ed k\u00f3dy pot\u0159ebn\u00e9 pro vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed. V\u0161echny funkce zahrnuj\u00ed nap\u0159\u00edklad funkci p\u0159et\u00e1hni a pus\u0165, vzd\u00e1len\u00e9 nahr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed, zm\u011bnu velikosti obr\u00e1zk\u016f a dal\u0161\u00ed."],"Supported software":["Podporovan\u00fd software"],"supported software":["podporovan\u00fd software"],"The plugin works in any website with user-editable content and for %sv, it will place an upload button that will match the target editor toolbar so no extra customization is needed.":["Plugin funguje na libovoln\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nce s u\u017eivatelsky upraviteln\u00fdm obsahem a pro %sv, um\u00edst\u00ed tla\u010d\u00edtko pro nahr\u00e1n\u00ed, kter\u00e9 bude odpov\u00eddat panelu n\u00e1stroj\u016f pro c\u00edlov\u00fd editor, tak\u017ee nen\u00ed pot\u0159eba dal\u0161\u00ed p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00ed."],"Add it to your website":["P\u0159idejte je na sv\u00e9 webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky"],"options":["mo\u017enosti"],"Copy and paste the plugin code into your website HTML code (preferably inside the head section). There are plenty %o to make it fit better to your needs.":["Zkop\u00edrujte a vlo\u017ete k\u00f3d pluginu do k\u00f3du HTML va\u0161ich str\u00e1nek (nejl\u00e9pe v sekci hlavi\u010dky webu). Existuje spousta %o, aby to l\u00e9pe vyhovovalo va\u0161im pot\u0159eb\u00e1m."],"Basic options":["Z\u00e1kladn\u00ed mo\u017enosti"],"Color palette":["Paleta barev"],"Button color scheme":["Barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma tla\u010d\u00edtka"],"Embed codes that will be auto-inserted in editor box":["K\u00f3dy pro sd\u00edlen\u00ed, kter\u00e9 budou automaticky vlo\u017eeny do pole editoru"],"Sibling selector":["Sibling selektor"],"Sibling element selector where to place the button next to":["Sibling selektor vedle kter\u00e9ho se m\u00e1 um\u00edstit tla\u010d\u00edtko"],"Sibling position":["Pozice Siblingu"],"After":["Po"],"Before":["P\u0159ed"],"Position relative to sibling element":["Relativn\u00ed pozice vedle Siblingu"],"Advanced options":["Pokro\u010dil\u00e9 mo\u017enosti"],"The plugin has a large set of additional options that allow full customization. You can use custom HTML, CSS, own color palette, set observers and more. Check the %d and the plugin source to get a better idea of these advanced options.":["Plugin m\u00e1 velkou sadu dal\u0161\u00edch mo\u017enost\u00ed, kter\u00e9 umo\u017e\u0148uj\u00ed \u00fapln\u00e9 p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00ed. M\u016f\u017eete pou\u017e\u00edt vlastn\u00ed HTML, CSS, vlastn\u00ed paletu barev, nastavit pozorovatele a dal\u0161\u00ed. Zkontrolujte %d a zdroj pluginu, abyste z\u00edskali lep\u0161\u00ed p\u0159edstavu o t\u011bchto pokro\u010dil\u00fdch mo\u017enostech."],"You either don't have permission to access this page or the link has expired.":["Nem\u00e1te opr\u00e1vn\u011bn\u00ed k prohl\u00ed\u017een\u00ed t\u00e9to str\u00e1nky nebo odkaz ze kter\u00e9ho jste se zde dostali ji\u017e expiroval."],"Search results","Button":["Tla\u010d\u00edtko"],"View all my images":["Zobrazit v\u0161echny m\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky"],"Login":["P\u0159ihl\u00e1sit se"],"Already have an account? %s now.":["M\u00e1te ji\u017e \u00fa\u010det? %s nyn\u00ed."],"resend account activation":["znovu poslat aktivaci \u00fa\u010dtu"],"If you have already signed up maybe you need to request to %s to activate your account.":["Pokud jste se ji\u017e zaregistrovali, mo\u017en\u00e1 budete muset po\u017e\u00e1dat %s o aktivaci Va\u0161eho \u00fa\u010dtu."],"You can also %s.":["M\u016f\u017eete tak\u00e9 %s."],"I'm at least %s years old":["Je mi minim\u00e1ln\u011b %s let."],"terms":["Podm\u00ednky"],"privacy policy":["Z\u00e1sady ochrany osobn\u00edch \u00fadaj\u016f"],"I agree to the %terms_link and %privacy_link":["Souhlas\u00edm s %terms_link a %privacy_link"],"Upload profile background":["Nahr\u00e1t pozad\u00ed profilu"],"Change background":["Zm\u011bnit pozad\u00ed"],"The profile background image will be deleted. This can't be undone. Are you sure that you want to delete the profile background image?":["Profilov\u00fd obr\u00e1zek pozad\u00ed bude odstran\u011bn. Tuto akci nelze vr\u00e1tit. Opravdu si p\u0159ejete pokra\u010dovat?"],"Delete background":["Odstranit pozad\u00ed"],"Edit profile":["Upravit profil"],"Follower":["Sleduj\u00edc\u00ed","Sleduj\u00edc\u00edch","Sleduj\u00edc\u00edch","Sleduj\u00edc\u00ed"],"Follow":["Sledovat"],"You have been forbidden to use this website.":["M\u00e1te zak\u00e1z\u00e1no pou\u017e\u00edvat tuto webovou str\u00e1nku."],"Plugin":["Plugin"],"Page %s":["Str\u00e1nka %s"],"General questions\/comments":["Obecn\u00e9 dotazy a koment\u00e1\u0159e"],"DMCA complaint":["Nahl\u00e1sit poru\u0161en\u00ed autorsk\u00e9ho z\u00e1kona"],"Invalid message":["Neplatn\u00e1 zpr\u00e1va"],"Invalid subject":["Neplatn\u00fd p\u0159edm\u011bt"],"Mail error":["Chyba e-mailu."],"Message sent":["Zpr\u00e1va byla odesl\u00e1na"],"Message sent. We will get in contact soon.":["Zpr\u00e1va byla odesl\u00e1na. Budeme V\u00e1s brzy kontaktovat."],"If you want to send a message fill the form below.":["Chcete-li poslat zpr\u00e1vu, vypl\u0148te n\u00ed\u017ee uveden\u00fd formul\u00e1\u0159."],"Your name":["Va\u0161e jm\u00e9no"],"Subject":["P\u0159edm\u011bt zpr\u00e1vy"],"All the changes that you have made will be lost if you continue.":["V\u0161echny zm\u011bny, kter\u00e9 jste provedl(a), budou ztraceny"],"Changes saved successfully.":["Zm\u011bny byly \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b ulo\u017eeny."],"Go back to form":["Vr\u00e1tit se zp\u011bt na formul\u00e1\u0159"],"continue anyway":["p\u0159esto pokra\u010dovat"],"Saving":["Ukl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed"],"Sending":["Odes\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed"],"Confirm action":["Potvrdit akci"],"information":["informace I "]};
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