d uses automatic heights.":["Obe met\u00f3dy pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa pevn\u00fa \u0161\u00edrku, ale plynul\u00e1 vyu\u017e\u00edva premenn\u00fa v\u00fd\u0161ku."],"Listing columns number":["Po\u010det riadkov zoznamu"],"Here you can set how many columns are used based on each target device.":["Tu m\u00f4\u017eete nastavi\u0165 po\u010det riadkov pre ka\u017ed\u00fd typ zariadenia."],"Phone":["Mobil"],"Phablet":["Smartf\u00f3n"],"Tablet":["Tablet"],"Laptop":["Laptop"],"Desktop":["Po\u010d\u00edta\u010d"],"Put your themes in the %s folder":["Vlo\u017e svoju t\u00e9mu do adres\u00e1ra %s"],"Tone":["T\u00f3n"],"Light":["Svetl\u00fd"],"Dark":["Tmav\u00fd"],"Main color":["Z\u00e1kladn\u00e1 farba"],"Hexadecimal color value":["Hexadecim\u00e1lna hodnota farby"],"Use this to set the main theme color. Value must be in hex format<\/a>.":["Pou\u017eite toto na nastavenie z\u00e1kladnej farby t\u00e9my. Hodnota mus\u00ed by\u0165 v hex form\u00e1te<\/a>."],"Top bar color":["Farba horn\u00e9ho menu"],"Black":["\u010cierna"],"White":["Biela"],"If you set this to \"white\" the top bar and all the black tones will be changed to white tones.":["Ak nastav\u00edte \"bielu\", horn\u00e9 menu a v\u0161etky \u010dierne odtiene bud\u00fa zmenen\u00e9 na biele t\u00f3ny."],"Top bar button color":["Farba tla\u010didla v hornom menu"],"Blue":["Modr\u00e1"],"Green":["Zelen\u00e1"],"Orange":["Oran\u017eov\u00e1"],"Red":["\u010cerven\u00e1"],"Grey":["\u0160ed\u00e1"],"Color for the top bar buttons like the \"Create account\" button.":["Farba pre tla\u010didl\u00e1 v hornom menu, ako napr\u00edklad \"Vytvori\u0165 konto\"."],"Enable vector logo":["Zapn\u00fa\u0165 vektorov\u00e9 logo"],"Enable vector logo for high quality logo in devices with high pixel density.":["Zapn\u00fa\u0165 vektorov\u00e9 logo pre vysok\u00fa kvalitu na HD displejoch."],"Vector logo image":["S\u00fabor s vektorov\u00fdm logom"],"Vector version or your website logo in SVG format.":["Vektorov\u00e1 verzia loga va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nky vo form\u00e1te SVG."],"Raster logo image":["S\u00fabor s rastrov\u00fdm logom"],"Bitmap version or your website logo. PNG format is recommended.":["Rastrov\u00e1 verzia loga va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nky, najlep\u0161ie vo form\u00e1te PNG."],"Logo height":["V\u00fd\u0161ka loga"],"No value":["\u017diadna hodnota"],"Use this to set the logo height if needed.":["Toto pou\u017eijte pre natavenie v\u00fd\u0161ky loga, ak je to potrebn\u00e9."],"Favicon image":["Favicon ikona"],"Favicon image. Image must have same width and height.":["Favicon mus\u00ed ma\u0165 rovnak\u00fa \u0161\u00ed\u0159ku a v\u00fd\u0161ku."],"Enable download button":["Aktivova\u0165 tla\u010d\u00edtko Stiahnu\u0165"],"Enable this if you want to show the image download button.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete u\u017e\u00edvate\u013eom necha\u0165 zobrazova\u0165 tla\u010d\u00edtko na stiahnutie."],"Enable right click on image":["Povoli\u0165 prav\u00fd klik na obr\u00e1zok"],"Enable this if you want to allow right click on image viewer page.":["Povo\u013e toto, ak si \u017eel\u00e1\u0161 povolenie prav\u00e9ho kliku na obr\u00e1zok v zobrazen\u00ed obr\u00e1zku."],"Enable show Exif data":["Povoli\u0165 zobrazenip@[^<\CBx sa sem dostali u\u017e expiroval."],"Results for":["V\u00fdsledky pre"],"Do you really want to delete this user? This can't be undone.":["Naozaj chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 tohoto u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea? Nevratn\u00e1 akcia!"],"Delete user":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Register date":["D\u00e1tum registr\u00e1cie"],"Status":["Stav"],"Valid":["Platn\u00fd"],"Banned":["Zabanovan\u00fd"],"Awaiting email":["\u010cak\u00e1 sa na e-mail"],"Awaiting confirmation":["\u010cak\u00e1 sa na potvrdenie"],"%i to %f characters
Letters, numbers and \"_\"":["%i do %f znakov
P\u00edsmena, \u010d\u00edsla a \"_\""],"Newsletter":["Novinky"],"Send me emails with news about %s":["Za\u0161lite mi e-maily s novinkami o %s"],"Content settings":["Nastavenie obsahu"],"Check this if you want to see not family safe content. This setting doesn't affect your content":["Ozna\u010dte toto, ak chcete vidie\u0165 aj obr\u00e1zky nevhodn\u00e9 pre deti a mladistv\u00fdch. Toto nastavenie neovplyvn\u00ed v\u00e1\u0161 obsah."],"Show not safe content in listings (from others)":["Zobraz obsah nevhodn\u00fd pre deti a mladistv\u00fdch v zozname (od ostatn\u00fdch)"],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Timezone":["\u010casov\u00e1 z\u00f3na"],"Current password":["S\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"Enter your current password":["Vlo\u017ete svoje s\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"New password":["Nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Confirm new password":["Potvrdi\u0165 nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Add a password to be able to login using your username or email.":["K tomu, aby ste boli schopn\u00ed sa prihl\u00e1si\u0165 u\u017eivatelsk\u00fdm menom alebo e-mailom, je potrebn\u00e9 prida\u0165 heslo."],"This user doesn't have a password. Add one using this form.":["Tento u\u017e\u00edvate\u013e nem\u00e1 ulo\u017een\u00e9 \u017eiadne heslo. Heslo pridajte t\u00fdmto formul\u00e1rom."],"Re-enter your password":["Znovu vypl\u0148te heslo"],"loading":["na\u010d\u00edtanie"],"Upload new image":["Nahra\u0165 nov\u00fd s\u00fabor"],"Delete existing image":["Zmaza\u0165 existuj\u00faci obr\u00e1zok"],"This is your real name, not your username.":["Toto je va\u0161e ozajstn\u00e9 meno, nie u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9."],"http:\/\/yourwebsite.com":["http:\/\/vasastranka.com"],"Bio":["Bio"],"Tell us a little bit about you":["Povedzte nie\u010do o sebe"],"User has no connections.":["U\u017e\u00edvate\u013e nem\u00e1 \u017eiadne prepojenie."],"Link your account to external services to be able to login and share content.":["Prepojte v\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det s extern\u00fdmi slu\u017ebami pre prihl\u00e1senie a zdielanie obsahu."],"Do you really want to disconnect %s from this account?":["Naozaj sa chcete odpoji\u0165 %s od tohoto \u00fa\u010dtu?"],"This account is connected to %s":["Tento \u00fa\u010det je prepojen\u00fd s %s"],"Do you really want to disconnect your %s account?":["Naozaj chcete odpoji\u0165 v\u00e1\u0161 %s \u00fa\u010det?"],"You will be logged out and you won't be able to login to your account using this %s account.":["Budete odhl\u00e1sen\u00fd\/\u00e1 a u\u017e sa nebudete m\u00f4c\u0165 prihl\u00e1si\u0165 ku svojemu \u00fa\u010dtu prostredn\u00edctvom tohoto %s \u00fa\u010dtu."],"Your account is connected to %s":["V\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det je prepojen\u00fd s %s"],"disconnect":["odpoji\u0165"],"Connect %s":["Prepoji\u0165 %s"],"Button":["Tla\u010didlo"],"resend account activation":["znovupreposla\u0165 aktiv\u00e1ciu konta"],"If you have already signed up maybe you need to request to %s":["Ak ste sa u\u017e zaregistrovali, mo\u017eno\u017ee chcete prejs\u0165 sem %s"],"Upload profile background":["Nahra\u0165 pozadie profilu"],"Change background":["Zmeni\u0165 pozadie"],"The profile background image will be deleted. This can't be undone. Are you sure that you want to delete the profile background image?":["Profilov\u00fd obr\u00e1zok pozadia bude odstr\u00e1nen\u00fd. T\u00fato akciu nejde vr\u00e1ti\u0165. Naozaj si prajete pokra\u010dova\u0165?"],"Delete background":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 pozadie"],"Edit profile":["Upravi\u0165 ppC\CBxp@[^p@[^p@[^ot safe content in random mode":["V n\u00e1hodnom m\u00f3de publikova\u0165 i nevhodn\u00fd obsah"],"List items per page":["Po\u010det obr\u00e1zkov na str\u00e1nku"],"How many items should be displayed per page listing.":["Ko\u013eko polo\u017eiek m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 zobrazen\u00fdch na jednej str\u00e1nke v\u00fdpisu."],"List pagination mode":["Listovacie str\u00e1nkovanieess scrolling":["Nekone\u010dn\u00e9 skrolovanie"],"Classic pagination":["Klasick\u00e9 str\u00e1nkovanie"],"What pagination method should be used.":["Ak\u00fd sp\u00f4sob str\u00e1nkovania m\u00e1 by\u0165 pou\u017eit\u00fd?"],"Image listing size":["Ve\u013ekos\u0165 n\u00e1h\u013eadu"],"Fluid":["Plynul\u00fd"],"Fixed":["Pevn\u00fd"],"Both methods use a fixed width but fluid method uses automatic heights.":["Obe met\u00f3dy pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa pevn\u00fa \u0161\u00edrku, ale plynul\u00e1 vyu\u017e\u00edva premenn\u00fa v\u00fd\u0161ku."],"Listing columns number":["Po\u010det riadkov zoznamu"],"Here you can set how many columns are used based on each target device.":["Tu m\u00f4\u017eete nastavi\u0165 po\u010det riadkov pre ka\u017ed\u00fd typ zariadenia."],"Phone":["Mobil"],"Phablet":["Smartf\u00f3n"],"Tablet":["Tablet"],"Laptop":["Laptop"],"Desktop":["Po\u010d\u00edta\u010d"],"Put your themes in the %s folder":["Vlo\u017e svoju t\u00e9mu do adres\u00e1ra %s"],"Tone":["T\u00f3n"],"Light":["Svetl\u00fd"],"Dark":["Tmav\u00fd"],"Main color":["Z\u00e1kladn\u00e1 farba"],"Hexadecimal color value":["Hexadecim\u00e1lna hodnota farby"],"Use this to set the main theme color. Value must be in
hex format<\/a>.":["Pou\u017eite toto na nastavenie z\u00e1kladnej farby t\u00e9my. Hodnota mus\u00ed by\u0165 v hex form\u00e1te<\/a>."],"Top bar color":["Farba horn\u00e9ho menu"],"Black":["\u010cierna"],"White":["Biela"],"If you set this to \"white\" the top bar and all the black tones will be changed to white tones.":["Ak nastav\u00edte \"bielu\", horn\u00e9 menu a v\u0161etky \u010dierne odtiene bud\u00fa zmenen\u00e9 na biele t\u00f3ny."],"Top bar button color":["Farba tla\u010didla v hornom menu"],"Blue":["Modr\u00e1"],"Green":["Zelen\u00e1"],"Orange":["Oran\u017eov\u00e1"],"Red":["\u010cerven\u00e1"],"Grey":["\u0160ed\u00e1"],"Color for the top bar buttons like the \"Create account\" button.":["Farba pre tla\u010didl\u00e1 v hornom menu, ako napr\u00edklad \"Vytvori\u0165 konto\"."],"Enable vector logo":["Zapn\u00fa\u0165 vektorov\u00e9 logo"],"Enable vector logo for high quality logo in devices with high pixel density.":["Zapn\u00fa\u0165 vektorov\u00e9 logo pre vysok\u00fa kvalitu na HD displejoch."],"Vector logo image":["S\u00fabor s vektorov\u00fdm logom"],"Vector version or your website logo in SVG format.":["Vektorov\u00e1 verzia loga va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nky vo form\u00e1te SVG."],"Raster logo image":["S\u00fabor s rastrov\u00fdm logom"],"Bitmap version or your website logo. PNG format is recommended.":["Rastrov\u00e1 verzia loga va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nky, najlep\u0161ie vo form\u00e1te PNG."],"Logo height":["V\u00fd\u0161ka loga"],"No value":["\u017diadna hodnota"],"Use this to set the logo height if needed.":["Toto pou\u017eijte pre natavenie v\u00fd\u0161ky loga, ak je to potrebn\u00e9."],"Favicon image":["Favicon ikona"],"Favicon image. Image must have same width and height.":["Favicon mus\u00ed ma\u0165 rovnak\u00fa \u0161\u00ed\u0159ku a v\u00fd\u0161ku."],"Enable download button":["Aktivova\u0165 tla\u010d\u00edtko Stiahnu\u0165"],"Enable this if you want to show the image download button.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete u\u017e\u00edvate\u013eom necha\u0165 zobrazova\u0165 tla\u010d\u00edtko na stiahnutie."],"Enable right click on image":["Povoli\u0165 prav\u00fd klik na obr\u00e1zok"],"Enable this if you want to allow right click on image viewer page.":["Povo\u013e toto, ak si \u017eel\u00e1\u0161 povolenie prav\u00e9ho kliku na obr\u00e1zok v zobrazen\u00ed obr\u00e1zku."],"Enable show Exif data":["Povoli\u0165 zobrazenip@[^<\CBx sa sem dostali u\u017e expiroval."],"Results for":["V\u00fdsledky pre"],"Do you really want to delete this user? This can't be undone.":["Naozaj chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 tohoto u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea? Nevratn\u00e1 akcia!"],"Delete user":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Register date":["D\u00e1tum registr\u00e1cie"],"Status":["Stav"],"Valid":["Platn\u00fd"],"Banned":["Zabanovan\u00fd"],"Awaiting email":["\u010cak\u00e1 sa na e-mail"],"Awaiting confirmation":["\u010cak\u00e1 sa na potvrdenie"],"%i to %f characters
Letters, numbers and \"_\"":["%i do %f znakov
P\u00edsmena, \u010d\u00edsla a \"_\""],"Newsletter":["Novinky"],"Send me emails with news about %s":["Za\u0161lite mi e-maily s novinkami o %s"],"Content settings":["Nastavenie obsahu"],"Check this if you want to see not family safe content. This setting doesn't affect your content":["Ozna\u010dte toto, ak chcete vidie\u0165 aj obr\u00e1zky nevhodn\u00e9 pre deti a mladistv\u00fdch. Toto nastavenie neovplyvn\u00ed v\u00e1\u0161 obsah."],"Show not safe content in listings (from others)":["Zobraz obsah nevhodn\u00fd pre deti a mladistv\u00fdch v zozname (od ostatn\u00fdch)"],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Timezone":["\u010casov\u00e1 z\u00f3na"],"Current password":["S\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"Enter your current password":["Vlo\u017ete svoje s\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"New password":["Nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Confirm new password":["Potvrdi\u0165 nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Add a password to be able to login using your username or email.":["K tomu, aby ste boli schopn\u00ed sa prihl\u00e1si\u0165 u\u017eivatelsk\u00fdm menom alebo e-mailom, je potrebn\u00e9 prida\u0165 heslo."],"This user doesn't have a password. Add one using this form.":["Tento u\u017e\u00edvate\u013e nem\u00e1 ulo\u017een\u00e9 \u017eiadne heslo. Heslo pridajte t\u00fdmto formul\u00e1rom."],"Re-enter your password":["Znovu vypl\u0148te heslo"],"loading":["na\u010d\u00edtanie"],"Upload new image":["Nahra\u0165 nov\u00fd s\u00fabor"],"Delete existing image":["Zmaza\u0165 existuj\u00faci obr\u00e1zok"],"This is your real name, not your username.":["Toto je va\u0161e ozajstn\u00e9 meno, nie u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9."],"http:\/\/yourwebsite.com":["http:\/\/vasastranka.com"],"Bio":["Bio"],"Tell us a little bit about you":["Povedzte nie\u010do o sebe"],"User has no connections.":["U\u017e\u00edvate\u013e nem\u00e1 \u017eiadne prepojenie."],"Link your account to external services to be able to login and share content.":["Prepojte v\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det s extern\u00fdmi slu\u017ebami pre prihl\u00e1senie a zdielanie obsahu."],"Do you really want to disconnect %s from this account?":["Naozaj sa chcete odpoji\u0165 %s od tohoto \u00fa\u010dtu?"],"This account is connected to %s":["Tento \u00fa\u010det je prepojen\u00fd s %s"],"Do you really want to disconnect your %s account?":["Naozaj chcete odpoji\u0165 v\u00e1\u0161 %s \u00fa\u010det?"],"You will be logged out and you won't be able to login to your account using this %s account.":["Budete odhl\u00e1sen\u00fd\/\u00e1 a u\u017e sa nebudete m\u00f4c\u0165 prihl\u00e1si\u0165 ku svojemu \u00fa\u010dtu prostredn\u00edctvom tohoto %s \u00fa\u010dtu."],"Your account is connected to %s":["V\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det je prepojen\u00fd s %s"],"disconnect":["odpoji\u0165"],"Connect %s":["Prepoji\u0165 %s"],"Button":["Tla\u010didlo"],"resend account activation":["znovupreposla\u0165 aktiv\u00e1ciu konta"],"If you have already signed up maybe you need to request to %s":["Ak ste sa u\u017e zaregistrovali, mo\u017eno\u017ee chcete prejs\u0165 sem %s"],"Upload profile background":["Nahra\u0165 pozadie profilu"],"Change background":["Zmeni\u0165 pozadie"],"The profile background image will be deleted. This can't be undone. Are you sure that you want to delete the profile background image?":["Profilov\u00fd obr\u00e1zok pozadia bude odstr\u00e1nen\u00fd. T\u00fato akciu nejde vr\u00e1ti\u0165. Naozaj si prajete pokra\u010dova\u0165?"],"Delete background":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 pozadie"],"Edit profile":["Upravi\u0165 pB\CBxB\CBx@[^@[^chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 ban z IP %s? Toto je nevratn\u00fd proces."],"Banned IP address will be forbidden to use the entire website.":["Zabanovan\u00e9 IP adresy bud\u00fa ma\u0165 odopren\u00fd pr\u00edstup na cel\u00fa t\u00fato str\u00e1nku."],"Edit IP ban":["Upravi\u0165 IP ban"],"Enable signups":["Povoli\u0165 registr\u00e1cie"],"Enable this if you want to allow users to":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete povoli\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013eom registr\u00e1cie."],"Username routing":["Smerovanie u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9ho mena"],"Enable this if you want to use %s\/username URLs instead of %s\/user\/username.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete pou\u017e\u00edva\u0165 URL vo form\u00e1te %s\/uzivatelskemeno namiesto %s\/uzivatel\/username."],"Logged user logo link":["Link loga prihl\u00e1sen\u00e9ho u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"User profile":["U\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00fd profil"],"Configure the link used in the logo when user is logged in.":["Nastavte link pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00fd v logu, ke\u010f je u\u017e\u00edvate\u013e prihl\u00e1sen\u00fd."],"Require email confirmation":["Je vy\u017eadovan\u00e9 potvrdenie e-mailu"],"Enable this if users must validate their email address on sign up.":["Povo\u013ete, ak u\u017e\u00edvatelia musia potvrdi\u0165 svoju e-mailov\u00fa adresu po\u010das registr\u00e1cie."],"Require email for social signup":["K prihl\u00e1seniu cez soci\u00e1lnu sie\u0165 je vy\u017eadovan\u00fd e-mail"],"Enable this if users using social networks to register must provide an email address.":["Povo\u013ete, ak u\u017e\u00edvatelia vyu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00edci k registr\u00e1cii soci\u00e1lne siete, musia tie\u017e potvrdi\u0165 svoju e-mailov\u00fa adresu."],"User avatar max. filesize":["Max. ve\u013ekos\u0165 avatara u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Max. allowed filesize for user avatar image. (Max allowed by server is %s)":["Max. povolen\u00e1 ve\u013ekos\u0165 pre u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9ho avatara. (Max hodnota servera je %s)"],"User background max. filesize":["Max. ve\u013ekos\u0165 pozadia u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Max. allowed filesize for user background image. (Max allowed by server is %s)":["Max. povolen\u00e1 ve\u013ekos\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9ho pozadia. (Max hodnota servera je %s)"],"Block image uploads by IP if the system notice a flood behavior based on the number of uploads per time period. This setting doesn't affect administrators.":["Zablokova\u0165 nahr\u00e1vanie obr\u00e1zkov pre zvolen\u00fa IP adresu a ochrana proti pre\u0165a\u017eeniu na z\u00e1klade maxim\u00e1lneho po\u010dtu nahran\u00fdch souborov za \u010dasov\u00fd \u00fasek. Toto nastavenie neovplyv\u0148uje administr\u00e1torov."],"Notify to email":["Upozorni\u0165 na e-mail"],"If enabled the system will send an email on flood incidents.":["Ak je zapnut\u00e9, potom v\u00e1s syst\u00e9m o pokuse o pre\u0165a\u017eenie varuje e-mailom."],"Minute limit":["Min\u00fatov\u00fd limit"],"Hourly limit":["Hodinov\u00fd limit"],"Daily limit":["Denn\u00fd limit"],"Weekly limit":["T\u00fd\u017edenn\u00fd limit"],"Monthly limit":["Mesa\u010dn\u00fd limit"],"Show not safe content in listings":["V zozname publikova\u0165 i nevhodn\u00fd obsah"],"Enable this if you want to show not safe content in listings. This setting doesn't affect administrators and can be overridden by user own settings.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete zobrazi\u0165 nevhodn\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky v zozname. Toto nastavenie neplat\u00ed pre administr\u00e1torov a m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 zmenen\u00e9 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00fdm nastaven\u00edm."],"Blur NSFW content in listings":["Rozostri NSFW obsah v z\u00e1znamoch"],"Enable this if you want to apply a blur effect on the NSFW images in listings.":["Povo\u013ete toto ak chcete pou\u017ei\u0165 rozostrenie na NSFW obr\u00e1zky v z\u00e1znamoch."],"Show banners in not safe content":["Zobrazi\u0165 banery v nevhodnom obsahu"],"Enable this if you want to show banners in not safe content pages.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete zobrazova\u0165 banery i medzi npC\CBxp@[^p@[^p@[^ot safe content in random mode":["V n\u00e1hodnom m\u00f3de publikova\u0165 i nevhodn\u00fd obsah"],"List items per page":["Po\u010det obr\u00e1zkov na str\u00e1nku"],"How many items should be displayed per page listing.":["Ko\u013eko polo\u017eiek m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 zobrazen\u00fdch na jednej str\u00e1nke v\u00fdpisu."],"List pagination mode":["Listovacie str\u00e1nkovanie"],"Endless scrolling":["Nekone\u010dn\u00e9 skrolovanie"],"Classic pagination":["Klasick\u00e9 str\u00e1nkovanie"],"What pagination method should be used.":["Ak\u00fd sp\u00f4sob str\u00e1nkovania m\u00e1 by\u0165 pou\u017eit\u00fd?"],"Image listing size":["Ve\u013ekos\u0165 n\u00e1h\u013eadu"],"Fluid":["Plynul\u00fd"],"Fixed":["Pevn\u00fd"],"Both methods use a fixed width but fluid method uses automatic heights.":["Obe met\u00f3dy pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa pevn\u00fa \u0161\u00edrku, ale plynul\u00e1 vyu\u017e\u00edva premenn\u00fa v\u00fd\u0161ku."],"Listing columns number":["Po\u010det riadkov zoznamu"],"Here you can set how many columns are used based on each target device.":["Tu m\u00f4\u017eete nastavi\u0165 po\u010det riadkov pre ka\u017ed\u00fd typ zariadenia."],"Phone":["Mobil"],"Phablet":["Smartf\u00f3n"],"Tablet":["Tablet"],"Laptop":["Laptop"],"Desktop":["Po\u010d\u00edta\u010d"],"Put your themes in the %s folder":["Vlo\u017e svoju t\u00e9mu do adres\u00e1ra %s"],"Tone":["T\u00f3n"],"Light":["Svetl\u00fd"],"Dark":["Tmav\u00fd"],"Main color":["Z\u00e1kladn\u00e1 farba"],"Hexadecimal color value":["Hexadecim\u00e1lna hodnota farby"],"Use this to set the main theme color. Value must be in
hex format<\/a>.":["Pou\u017eite toto na nastavenie z\u00e1kladnej farby t\u00e9my. Hodnota mus\u00ed by\u0165 v hex form\u00e1te<\/a>."],"Top bar color":["Farba horn\u00e9ho menu"],"Black":["\u010cierna"],"White":["Biela"],"If you set this to \"white\" the top bar and all the black tones will be changed to white tones.":["Ak nastav\u00edte \"bielu\", horn\u00e9 menu a v\u0161etky \u010dierne odtiene bud\u00fa zmenen\u00e9 na biele t\u00f3ny."],"Top bar button color":["Farba tla\u010didla v hornom menu"],"Blue":["Modr\u00e1"],"Green":["Zelen\u00e1"],"Orange":["Oran\u017eov\u00e1"],"Red":["\u010cerven\u00e1"],"Grey":["\u0160ed\u00e1"],"Color for the top bar buttons like the \"Create account\" button.":["Farba pre tla\u010didl\u00e1 v hornom menu, ako napr\u00edklad \"Vytvori\u0165 konto\"."],"Enable vector logo":["Zapn\u00fa\u0165 vektorov\u00e9 logo"],"Enable vector logo for high quality logo in devices with high pixel density.":["Zapn\u00fa\u0165 vektorov\u00e9 logo pre vysok\u00fa kvalitu na HD displejoch."],"Vector logo image":["S\u00fabor s vektorov\u00fdm logom"],"Vector vr your website logo in SVG format.":["Vektorov\u00e1 verzia loga va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nky vo form\u00e1te SVG."],"Raster logo image":["S\u00fabor s rastrov\u00fdm logom"],"Bitmap version or your website logo. PNG format is recommended.":["Rastrov\u00e1 verzia loga va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nky, najlep\u0161ie vo form\u00e1te PNG."],"Logo height":["V\u00fd\u0161ka loga"],"No value":["\u017diadna hodnota"],"Use this to set the logo height if needed.":["Toto pou\u017eijte pre natavenie v\u00fd\u0161ky loga, ak je to potrebn\u00e9."],"Favicon image":["Favicon ikona"],"Favicon image. Image must have same width and height.":["Favicon mus\u00ed ma\u0165 rovnak\u00fa \u0161\u00ed\u0159ku a v\u00fd\u0161ku."],"Enable download button":["Aktivova\u0165 tla\u010d\u00edtko Stiahnu\u0165"],"Enable this if you want to show the image download button.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete u\u017e\u00edvate\u013eom necha\u0165 zobrazova\u0165 tla\u010d\u00edtko na stiahnutie."],"Enable right click on image":["Povoli\u0165 prav\u00fd klik na obr\u00e1zok"],"Enable this if you want to allow right click on image viewer page.":["Povo\u013e toto, ak si \u017eel\u00e1\u0161 povolenie prav\u00e9ho kliku na obr\u00e1zok v zobrazen\u00ed obr\u00e1zku."],"Enable show Exif data":["Povoli\u0165 zobrazeniB\CBxB\CBx@[^@[^chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 ban z IP %s? Toto je nevratn\u00fd proces."],"Banned IP address will be forbidden to use the entire website.":["Zabanovan\u00e9 IP adresy bud\u00fa ma\u0165 odopren\u00fd pr\u00edstup na cel\u00fa t\u00fato str\u00e1nku."],"Edit IP ban":["Upravi\u0165 IP ban"],"Enable signups":["Povoli\u0165 registr\u00e1cie"],"Enable this if you want to allow users to signup.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete povoli\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013eom registr\u00e1cie."],"Username routing":["Smerovanie u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9ho mena"],"Enable this if you want to use %s\/username URLs instead of %s\/user\/username.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete pou\u017e\u00edva\u0165 URL vo form\u00e1te %s\/uzivatelskemeno namiesto %s\/uzivatel\/username."],"Logged user logo link":["Link loga prihl\u00e1sen\u00e9ho u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"User profile":["U\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00fd profil"],"Configure the link used in the logo when user is logged in.":["Nastavte link pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00fd v logu, ke\u010f je u\u017e\u00edvate\u013e prihl\u00e1sen\u00fd."],"Require email confirmation":["Je vy\u017eadovan\u00e9 potvrdenie e-mailu"],"Enable this if users must validate their email address on sign up.":["Povo\u013ete, ak u\u017e\u00edvatelia musia potvrdi\u0165 svoju e-mailov\u00fa adresu po\u010das registr\u00e1cie."],"Require email for social signup":["K prihl\u00e1seniu cez soci\u00e1lnu sie\u0165 je vy\u017eadovan\u00fd e-mail"],"Enable this if users using social networks to register must provide an email address.":["Povo\u013ete, ak u\u017e\u00edvatelia vyu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00edci k registr\u00e1cii soci\u00e1lne siete, musia tie\u017e potvrdi\u0165 svoju e-mailov\u00fa adresu."],"User avatar max. filesize":["Max. ve\u013ekos\u0165 avatara u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Max. allowed filesize for user avatar image. (Max allowed by server is %s)":["Max. povolen\u00e1 ve\u013ekos\u0165 pre u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9ho avatara. (Max hodnota servera je %s)"],"User background max. filesize":["Max. ve\u013ekos\u0165 pozadia u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Max. allowed filesize for user background image. (Max allowed by server is %s)":["Max. povolen\u00e1 ve\u013ekos\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9ho pozadia. (Max hodnota servera je %s)"],"Block image uploads by IP if the system notice a flood behavior based on the number of uploads per time period. This setting doesn't affect administrators.":["Zablokova\u0165 nahr\u00e1vanie obr\u00e1zkov pre zvolen\u00fa IP adresu a ochrana proti pre\u0165a\u017eeniu na z\u00e1klade maxim\u00e1lneho po\u010dtu nahran\u00fdch souborov za \u010dasov\u00fd \u00fasek. Toto nastavenie neovplyv\u0148uje administr\u00e1torov."],"Notify to email":["Upozorni\u0165 na e-mail"],"If enabled the system will send an email on flood incidents.":["Ak je zapnut\u00e9, potom v\u00e1s syst\u00e9m o pokuse o pre\u0165a\u017eenie varuje e-mailom."],"Minute limit":["Min\u00fatov\u00fd limit"],"Hourly limit":["Hodinov\u00fd limit"],"Daily limit":["Denn\u00fd limit"],"Weekly limit":["T\u00fd\u017edenn\u00fd limit"],"Monthly limit":["Mesa\u010dn\u00fd limit"],"Show not safe content in listings":["V zozname publikova\u0165 i nevhodn\u00fd obsah"],"Enable this if you want to show not safe content in listings. This setting doesn't affect administrators and can be overridden by user own settings.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete zobrazi\u0165 nevhodn\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky v zozname. Toto nastavenie neplat\u00ed pre administr\u00e1torov a m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 zmenen\u00e9 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00fdm nastaven\u00edm."],"Blur NSFW content in listings":["Rozostri NSFW obsah v z\u00e1znamoch"],"Enable this if you want to apply a blur effect on the NSFW images in listings.":["Povo\u013ete toto ak chcete pou\u017ei\u0165 rozostrenie na NSFW obr\u00e1zky v z\u00e1znamoch."],"Show banners in not safe content":["Zobrazi\u0165 banery v nevhodnom obsahu"],"Enable this if you want to show banners in not safe content pages.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete zobrazova\u0165 banery i medzi np@[^<\CBx sa sem dostali u\u017e expiroval."],"Results for":["V\u00fdsledky pre"],"Do you really want to delete this user? This can't be undone.":["Naozaj chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 tohoto u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea? Nevratn\u00e1 akcia!"],"Delete user":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Register date":["D\u00e1tum registr\u00e1cie"],"Status":["Stav"],"Valid":["Platn\u00fd"],"Banned":["Zabanovan\u00fd"],"Awaiting email":["\u010cak\u00e1 sa na e-mail"],"Awaiting confirmation":["\u010cak\u00e1 sa na potvrdenie"],"%i to %f characters
Letters, numbers and \"_\"":["%i do %f znakov
P\u00edsmena, \u010d\u00edsla a \"_\""],"Newsletter":["Novinky"],"Send me emails with news about %s":["Za\u0161lite mi e-maily s novinkami o %s"],"Content settings":["Nastavenie obsahu"],"Check this if you want to see not family safe content. This setting doesn't affect your content":["Ozna\u010dte toto, ak chcete vidie\u0165 aj obr\u00e1zky nevhodn\u00e9 pre deti a mladistv\u00fdch. Toto nastavenie neovplyvn\u00ed v\u00e1\u0161 obsah."],"Show not safe content in listings (from others)":["Zobraz obsah nevhodn\u00fd pre deti a mladistv\u00fdch v zozname (od ostatn\u00fdch)"],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Timezone":["\u010casov\u00e1 z\u00f3na"],"Current password":["S\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"Enter your current password":["Vlo\u017ete svoje s\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"New password":["Nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Confirm new password":["Potvrdi\u0165 nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Add a password to be able to login using your username or email.":["K tomu, aby ste boli schopn\u00ed sa prihl\u00e1si\u0165 u\u017eivatelsk\u00fdm menom alebo e-mailom, je potrebn\u00e9 prida\u0165 heslo."],"This user doesn't have a password. Add one using this form.":["Tento u\u017e\u00edvate\u013e nem\u00e1 ulo\u017een\u00e9 \u017eiadne heslo. Heslo pridajte t\u00fdmto formul\u00e1rom."],"Re-enter your password":["Znovu vypl\u0148te heslo"],"loading":["na\u010d\u00edtanie"],"Upload new image":["Nahra\u0165 nov\u00fd s\u00fabor"],"Delete existing image":["Zmaza\u0165 existuj\u00faci obr\u00e1zok"],"This is your real name, not your username.":["Toto je va\u0161e ozajstn\u00e9 meno, nie u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9."],"http:\/\/yourwebsite.com":["http:\/\/vasastranka.com"],"Bio":["Bio"],"Tell us a little bit about you":["Povedzte nie\u010do o sebe"],"User has no connections.":["U\u017e\u00edvate\u013e nem\u00e1 \u017eiadne prepojenie."],"Link your account to external services to be able to login and share content.":["Prepojte v\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det s extern\u00fdmi slu\u017ebami pre prihl\u00e1senie a zdielanie obsahu."],"Do you really want to disconnect %s from this account?":["Naozaj sa chcete odpoji\u0165 %s od tohoto \u00fa\u010dtu?"],"This account is connected to %s":["Tento \u00fa\u010det je prepojen\u00fd s %s"],"Do you really want to disconnect your %s account?":["Naozaj chcete odpoji\u0165 v\u00e1\u0161 %s \u00fa\u010det?"],"You will be logged out and you won't be able to login to your account using this %s account.":["Budete odhl\u00e1sen\u00fd\/\u00e1 a u\u017e sa nebudete m\u00f4c\u0165 prihl\u00e1si\u0165 ku svojemu \u00fa\u010dtu prostredn\u00edctvom tohoto %s \u00fa\u010dtu."],"Your account is connected to %s":["V\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det je prepojen\u00fd s %s"],"disconnect":["odpoji\u0165"],"Connect %s":["Prepoji\u0165 %s"],"Button":["Tla\u010didlo"],"resend account activation":["znovupreposla\u0165 aktiv\u00e1ciu konta"],"If you have already signed up maybe you need to request to %s":["Ak ste sa u\u017e zaregistrovali, mo\u017eno\u017ee chcete prejs\u0165 sem %s"],"Upload profile background":["Nahra\u0165 pozadie profilu"],"Change background":["Zmeni\u0165 pozadie"],"The profile background image will be deleted. This can't be undone. Are you sure that you want to delete the profile background image?":["Profilov\u00fd obr\u00e1zok pozadia bude odstr\u00e1nen\u00fd. T\u00fato akciu nejde vr\u00e1ti\u0165. Naozaj si prajete pokra\u010dova\u0165?"],"Delete background":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 pozadie"],"Edit profile":["Upravi\u0165 p_max_filesize: "2 MB", }, recaptcha: { enabled: false, sitekey: "", }, listing: { viewer: false, } }; CHV.obj.page_info = {"doctitle":"Presk\u00fama\u0165 Trending - Likeetkiwi | Page 79 (Sloven\u010dina)","pre_doctitle":"Presk\u00fama\u0165 Trending","pos_doctitle":" - Likeetkiwi | Page 79 (Sloven\u010dina)"}; }); v> ected using %s.":["Cloudflare detekovalo pou\u017eitie %s."],"For documentation about the API check the
API documentation<\/a>":["Pre dokument\u00e1ciu o API, prezrite si dokument\u00e1ciu API<\/a>"],"API v1 key":["API v1 k\u013e\u00fa\u010d"],"Use this key when using the API v1<\/a>.":["Pou\u017eite tento k\u013e\u00fa\u010d, ke\u010f pou\u017e\u00edvate API v1<\/a>."],"Cookie law compliance":["Dodr\u017eanie cookie politiky"],"Enable this to display a message that complies with the EU Cookie law requirements. Note: You only need this if your website is hosted in the EU and if you add tracking cookies.":["Povo\u013ete toto na zobrazenie spr\u00e1vy, ktor\u00e1 informuje o EU vy\u017eadovania cookie. Pozn\u00e1mka: Potrebujete toto iba ak, je va\u0161a str\u00e1nka umiestnen\u00e1 v EU a ak pou\u017e\u00edvate cookie na sledovanie."],"Save changes":["Ulo\u017ei\u0165 zmeny"],"Check the errors to proceed.":["Pred pokra\u010dovan\u00edm skontrolujte chyby"],"Guest":["Hos\u0165"],"Do you really want to delete this image? This can't be undone.":["Naozaj chcete obr\u00e1zok vymaza\u0165? Nevratn\u00e1 akcia!"],"Delete image":["Zmaza\u0165 obr\u00e1zok"],"Added to %a and categorized in %c":["Pridan\u00e9 do %a a zakategorizovan\u00e9 v %c"],"Added to %s":["Pridan\u00e9 do %s"],"Uploaded to %s":["Nahran\u00e9 do %s"],"Uploaded %s":["Nahran\u00e9 %s"],"Less Exif data":["Skry Exif d\u00e1ta"],"More Exif data":["Zobraz Exif d\u00e1ta"],"Share image":["Zdiela\u0165 obr\u00e1zok"],"Album ID":["Album ID"],"In this album":["V tomto albume"],"Image links":["Odkazy obr\u00e1zkov"],"Image URL":["URL obr\u00e1zka"],"Image link":["Odkaz obr\u00e1zka"],"Thumbnail URL":["URL miniat\u00fary"],"Medium URL":["URL stredn\u00e1 zmen\u0161enina"],"Image embed codes":["K\u00f3dy na vlo\u017eenie obr\u00e1zkov"],"Linked image":["Odkazovan\u00fd obr\u00e1zok"],"Linked medium":["Odkazovan\u00fd obr\u00e1zok (stredn\u00e1 ve\u013ekos\u0165)"],"Linked thumbnail":["Odkazovan\u00e1 miniat\u00fara"],"Upload and share your images.":["Nahrajte a zdielajte obr\u00e1zky."],"Drag and drop anywhere you want and start uploading your images now. %s limit. Direct image links, BBCode and HTML thumbnails.":["Presu\u0148te obr\u00e1zky hockde na str\u00e1nku a nahr\u00e1vajte u\u017e teraz. %s limit. Priame odkazy na obr\u00e1zky, BB-k\u00f3d a HTML zmen\u0161eniny."],"Start uploading":["Nahraj teraz"],"Fill this section uploading pictures to %s account.
You can ed!it the target user in your dashboard settings.":["Vypl\u0148te t\u00fato \u010das\u0165 nahr\u00e1vania obr\u00e1zkov do %s \u00fa\u010dtu.
Cie\u013e m\u00f4\u017eete editova\u0165 v administr\u00e1cii webu."],"Sign up to unlock all the features":["Zaregistrujte sa pre spr\u00edstupnenie v\u0161etk\u00fdch funkci\u00ed"],"Manage your content, create private albums, customize your profile and more.":["Spravujte v\u00e1\u0161 obsah, vytv\u00e1rajte s\u00fakrom\u00e9 albumy, inovujte v\u00e1\u0161 profil a ve\u013ea in\u00e9ho.."],"Enter your password":["Vlo\u017ete va\u0161e heslo"],"You have been logged off %s. Hope to see you soon.":["Odhl\u00e1senie z webu %s prebehlo \u00faspe\u0161ne. \u010coskoro dovidenia."],"Website under maintenance":["Na str\u00e1nke prebieha \u00fadr\u017eba"],"We're performing scheduled maintenance tasks in the website. Please come back in a few minutes.":["M\u00e1me pl\u00e1novan\u00fa \u00fadr\u017ebu syst\u00e9mu. Pros\u00edm, vr\u00e1\u0165te sa sem o nieko\u013eko min\u00fat."],"You either don't have permission to access this page or the link has expired.":["Nem\u00e1te opr\u00e1vnenie k prehliadaniu tejto str\u00e1nkp@[^<\CBx sa sem dostali u\u017e expiroval."],"Results for":["V\u00fdsledky pre"],"Do you really want to delete this user? This can't be undone.":["Naozaj chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 tohoto u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea? Nevratn\u00e1 akcia!"],"Delete user":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Register date":["D\u00e1tum registr\u00e1cie"],"Status":["Stav"],"Valid":["Platn\u00fd"],"Banned":["Zabanovan\u00fd"],"Awaiting email":["\u010cak\u00e1 sa na e-mail"],"Awaiting confirmation":["\u010cak\u00e1 sa na potvrdenie"],"%i to %f characters
Letters, numbers and \"_\"":["%i do %f znakov
P\u00edsmena, \u010d\u00edsla a \"_\""],"Newsletter":["Novinky"],"Send me emails with news about %s":["Za\u0161lite mi e-maily s novinkami o %s"],"Content settings":["Nastavenie obsahu"],"Check this if you want to see not family safe content. This setting doesn't affect your content":["Ozna\u010dte toto, ak chcete vidie\u0165 aj obr\u00e1zky nevhodn\u00e9 pre deti a mladistv\u00fdch. Toto nastavenie neovplyvn\u00ed v\u00e1\u0161 obsah."],"Show not safe content in listings (from others)":["Zobraz obsah nevhodn\u00fd pre deti a mladistv\u00fdch v zozname (od ostatn\u00fdch)"],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Timezone":["\u010casov\u00e1 z\u00f3na"],"Current password":["S\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"Enter your current password":["Vlo\u017ete svoje s\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"New password":["Nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Confirm new password":["Potvrdi\u0165 nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Add a password to be able to login using your username or email.":["K tomu, aby ste boli schopn\u00ed sa prihl\u00e1si\u0165 u\u017eivatelsk\u00fdm menom alebo e-mailom, je potrebn\u00e9 prida\u0165 heslo."],"This user doesn't have a password. Add one using this form.":["Tento u\u017e\u00edvate\u013e nem\u00e1 ulo\u017een\u00e9 \u017eiadne heslo. Heslo pridajte t\u00fdmto formul\u00e1rom."],"Re-enter your password":["Znovu vypl\u0148te heslo"],"loading":["na\u010d\u00edtanie"],"Upload new image":["Nahra\u0165 nov\u00fd s\u00fabor"],"Delete existing image":["Zmaza\u0165 existuj\u00faci obr\u00e1zok"],"This is your real name, not your username.":["Toto je va\u0161e ozajstn\u00e9 meno, nie u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9."],"http:\/\/yourwebsite.com":["http:\/\/vasastranka.com"],"Bio":["Bio"],"Tell us a little bit about you":["Povedzte nie\u010do o sebe"],"User has no connections.":["U\u017e\u00edvate\u013e nem\u00e1 \u017eiadne prepojenie."],"Link your account to external services to be able to login and share content.":["Prepojte v\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det s extern\u00fdmi slu\u017ebami pre prihl\u00e1senie a zdielanie obsahu."],"Do you really want to disconnect %s from this account?":["Naozaj sa chcete odpoji\u0165 %s od tohoto \u00fa\u010dtu?"],"This account is connected to %s":["Tento \u00fa\u010det je prepojen\u00fd s %s"],"Do you really want to disconnect your %s account?":["Naozaj chcete odpoji\u0165 v\u00e1\u0161 %s \u00fa\u010det?"],"You will be logged out and you won't be able to login to your account using this %s account.":["Budete odhl\u00e1sen\u00fd\/\u00e1 a u\u017e sa nebudete m\u00f4c\u0165 prihl\u00e1si\u0165 ku svojemu \u00fa\u010dtu prostredn\u00edctvom tohoto %s \u00fa\u010dtu."],"Your account is connected to %s":["V\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det je prepojen\u00fd s %s"],"disconnect":["odpoji\u0165"],"Connect %s":["Prepoji\u0165 %s"],"Button":["Tla\u010didlo"],"resend account activation":["znovupreposla\u0165 aktiv\u00e1ciu konta"],"If you have already signed up maybe you need to request to %s":["Ak ste sa u\u017e zaregistrovali, mo\u017eno\u017ee chcete prejs\u0165 sem %s"],"Upload profile background":["Nahra\u0165 pozadie profilu"],"Change background":["Zmeni\u0165 pozadie"],"The profile background image will be deleted. This can't be undone. Are you sure that you want to delete the profile background image?":["Profilov\u00fd obr\u00e1zok pozadia bude odstr\u00e1nen\u00fd. T\u00fato akciu nejde vr\u00e1ti\u0165. Naozaj si prajete pokra\u010dova\u0165?"],"Delete background":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 pozadie"],"Edit profile":["Upravi\u0165 ppC\CBxp@[^p@[^p@[^ot safe content in random mode":["V n\u00e1hodnom m\u00f3de publikova\u0165 i nevhodn\u00fd obsah"],"List items per page":["Po\u010det obr\u00e1zkov na str\u00e1nku"],"How many items should be displayed per page listing.":["Ko\u013eko polo\u017eiek m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 zobrazen\u00fdch na jednej str\u00e1nke v\u00fdpisu."],"List pagination mode":["Listovacie str\u00e1nkovanie"],"Endless scrolling":["Nekone\u010dn\u00e9 skrolovanie"],"Classic pagination":["Klasick\u00e9 str\u00e1nkovanie"],"What pagination method should be used.":["Ak\u00fd sp\u00f4sob str\u00e1nkovania m\u00e1 by\u0165 pou\u017eit\u00fd?"],"Image listing size":["Ve\u013ekos\u0165 n\u00e1h\u013eadu"],"Fluid":["Plynul\u00fd"],"Fixed":["Pevn\u00fd"],"Both methods use a fixed width but fluid method uses automatic heights.":["Obe met\u00f3dy pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa pevn\u00fa \u0161\u00edrku, ale plynul\u00e1 vyu\u017e\u00edva premenn\u00fa v\u00fd\u0161ku."],"Listing columns number":["Po\u010det riadkov zoznamu"],"Here you can set how many columns are used based on each target device.":["Tu m\u00f4\u017eete nastavi\u0165 po\u010det riadkov pre ka\u017ed\u00fd typ zariadenia."],"Phone":["Mobil"],"Phablet":["Smartf\u00f3n"],"Tablet":["Tablet"],"Laptop":["Laptop"],"Desktop":["Po\u010d\u00edta\u010d"],"Put your themes in the %s folder":["Vlo\u017e svoju t\u00e9mu do adres\u00e1ra %s"],"Tone":["T\u00f3n"],"Light":["Svetl\u00fd"],"Dark":["Tmav\u00fd"],"Main color":["Z\u00e1kladn\u00e1 farba"],"Hexadecimal color value":["Hexadecim\u00e1lna hodnota farby"],"Use this to set the main theme color. Value must be in
hex format<\/a>.":["Pou\u017eite toto na nastavenie z\u00e1kladnej farby t\u00e9my. Hodnota mus\u00ed by\u0165 v hex form\u00e1te<\/a>."],"Top bar color":["Farba horn\u00e9ho menu"],"Black":["\u010cierna"],"White":["Biela"],"If you set this to \"white\" the top bar and all the black tones will be changed to white tones.":["Ak nastav\u00edte \"bielu\", horn\u00e9 menu a v\u0161etky \u010dierne odtiene bud\u00fa zmenen\u00e9 na biele t\u00f3ny."],"Top bar button color":["Farba tla\u010didla v hornom menu"],"Blue":["Modr\u00e1"],"Green":["Zelen\u00e1"],"Orange":["Oran\u017eov\u00e1"],"Red":["\u010cerven\u00e1"],"Grey":["\u0160ed\u00e1"],"Color for the top bar buttons like the \"Create account\" button.":["Farba pre tla\u010didl\u00e1 v hornom menu, ako napr\u00edklad \"Vytvori\u0165 konto\"."],"Enable vector logo":["Zapn\u00fa\u0165 vektorov\u00e9 logo"],"Enable vector logo for high quality logo in devices with high pixel density.":["Zapn\u00fa\u0165 vektorov\u00e9 logo pre vysok\u00fa kvalitu na HD displejoch."],"Vector logo image":["S\u00fabor s vektorov\u00fdm logom"],"Vector version or your website logo in SVG format.":["Vektorov\u00e1 verzia loga va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nky vo form\u00e1te SVG."],"Raster logo image":["S\u00fabor s rastrov\u00fdm logom"],"Bitmap version or your website logo. PNG format is recommended.":["Rastrov\u00e1 verzia loga va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nky, najlep\u0161ie vo form\u00e1te PNG."],"Logo height":["V\u00fd\u0161ka loga"],"No value":["\u017diadna hodnota"],"Use this to set the logo height if needed.":["Toto pou\u017eijte pre natavenie v\u00fd\u0161ky loga, ak je to potrebn\u00e9."],"Favicon image":["Favicon ikona"],"Favicon image. Image must have same width and height.":["Favicon mus\u00ed ma\u0165 rovnak\u00fa \u0161\u00ed\u0159ku a v\u00fd\u0161ku."],"Enable download button":["Aktivova\u0165 tla\u010d\u00edtko Stiahnu\u0165"],"Enable this if you want to show the image download button.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete u\u017e\u00edvate\u013eom necha\u0165 zobrazova\u0165 tla\u010d\u00edtko na stiahnutie."],"Enable right click on image":["Povoli\u0165 prav\u00fd klik na obr\u00e1zok"],"Enable this if you want to allow right click on image viewer page.":["Povo\u013e toto, ak si \u017eel\u00e1\u0161 povolenie prav\u00e9ho kliku na obr\u00e1zok v zobrazen\u00ed obr\u00e1zku."],"Enable show Exif data":["Povoli\u0165 zobrazeniB\CBxB\CBx@[^@[^chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 ban z IP %s? Toto je nevratn\u00fd proces."],"Banned IP address will be forbidden to use the entire website.":["Zabanovan\u00e9 IP adresy bud\u00fa ma\u0165 odopren\u00fd pr\u00edstup na cel\u00fa t\u00fato str\u00e1nku."],"Edit IP ban":["Upravi\u0165 IP ban"],"Enable signups":["Povoli\u0165 registr\u00e1cie"],"Enable this if you want to allow users to signup.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete povoli\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013eom registr\u00e1cie."],"Username routing":["Smerovanie u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9ho mena"],"Enable this if you want to use %s\/username URLs instead of %s\/user\/username.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete pou\u017e\u00edva\u0165 URL vo form\u00e1te %s\/uzivatelskemeno namiesto %s\/uzivatel\/username."],"Logged user logo link":["Link loga prihl\u00e1sen\u00e9ho u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"User profile":["U\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00fd profil"],"Configure the link used in the logo when user is logged in.":["Nastavte link pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00fd v logu, ke\u010f je u\u017e\u00edvate\u013e prihl\u00e1sen\u00fd."],"Require email confirmation":["Je vy\u017eadovan\u00e9 potvrdenie e-mailu"],"Enable this if users must validate their email address on sign up.":["Povo\u013ete, ak u\u017e\u00edvatelia musia potvrdi\u0165 svoju e-mailov\u00fa adresu po\u010das registr\u00e1cie."],"Require email for social signup":["K prihl\u00e1seniu cez soci\u00e1lnu sie\u0165 je vy\u017eadovan\u00fd e-mail"],"Enable this if users using social networks to register must provide an email address.":["Povo\u013ete, ak u\u017e\u00edvatelia vyu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00edci k registr\u00e1cii soci\u00e1lne siete, musia tie\u017e potvrdi\u0165 svoju e-mailov\u00fa adresu."],"User avatar max. filesize":["Max. ve\u013ekos\u0165 avatara u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Max. allowed filesize for user avatar image. (Max allowed by server is %s)":["Max. povolen\u00e1 ve\u013ekos\u0165 pre u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9ho avatara. (Max hodnota servera je %s)"],"User background max. filesize":["Max. ve\u013ekos\u0165 pozadia u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Max. allowed filesize for user background image. (Max allowed by server is %s)":["Max. povolen\u00e1 ve\u013ekos\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9ho pozadia. (Max hodnota servera je %s)"],"Block image uploads by IP if the system notice a flood behavior based on the number of uploads per time period. This setting doesn't affect administrators.":["Zablokova\u0165 nahr\u00e1vanie obr\u00e1zkov pre zvolen\u00fa IP adresu a ochrana proti pre\u0165a\u017eeniu na z\u00e1klade maxim\u00e1lneho po\u010dtu nahran\u00fdch souborov za \u010dasov\u00fd \u00fasek. Toto nastavenie neovplyv\u0148uje administr\u00e1torov."],"Notify to email":["Upozorni\u0165 na e-mail"],"If enabled the system will send an email on flood incidents.":["Ak je zapnut\u00e9, potom v\u00e1s syst\u00e9m o pokuse o pre\u0165a\u017eenie varuje e-mailom."],"Minute limit":["Min\u00fatov\u00fd limit"],"Hourly limit":["Hodinov\u00fd limit"],"Daily limit":["Denn\u00fd limit"],"Weekly limit":["T\u00fd\u017edenn\u00fd limit"],"Monthly limit":["Mesa\u010dn\u00fd limit"],"Show not safe content in listings":["V zozname publikova\u0165 i nevhodn\u00fd obsah"],"Enable this if you want to show not safe content in listings. This setting doesn't affect administrators and can be overridden by user own settings.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete zobrazi\u0165 nevhodn\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky v zozname. Toto nastavenie neplat\u00ed pre administr\u00e1torov a m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 zmenen\u00e9 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00fdm nastaven\u00edm."],"Blur NSFW content in listings":["Rozostri NSFW obsah v z\u00e1znamoch"],"Enable this if you want to apply a blur effect on the NSFW images in listings.":["Povo\u013ete toto ak chcete pou\u017ei\u0165 rozostrenie na NSFW obr\u00e1zky v z\u00e1znamoch."],"Show banners in not safe content":["Zobrazi\u0165 banery v nevhodnom obsahu"],"Enable this if you want to show banners in not safe content pages.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete zobrazova\u0165 banery i medzi npC\CBxp@[^p@[^p@[^ot safe content in random mode":["V n\u00e1hodnom m\u00f3de publikova\u0165 i nevhodn\u00fd obsah"],"List items per page":["Po\u010det obr\u00e1zkov na str\u00e1nku"],"How many items should be displayed per page listing.":["Ko\u013eko polo\u017eiek m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 zobrazen\u00fdch na jednej str\u00e1nke v\u00fdpisu."],"List pagination mode":["Listovacie str\u00e1nkovanie"],"Endless scrolling":["Nekone\u010dn\u00e9 skrolovanie"],"Classic pagination":["Klasick\u00e9 str\u00e1nkovanie"],"What pagination method should be used.":["Ak\u00fd sp\u00f4sob str\u00e1nkovania m\u00e1 by\u0165 pou\u017eit\u00fd?"],"Image listing size":["Ve\u013ekos\u0165 n\u00e1h\u013eadu"],"Fluid":["Plynul\u00fd"],"Fixed":["Pevn\u00fd"],"Both methods use a fixed width but fluid method uses automatic heights.":["Obe met\u00f3dy pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa pevn\u00fa \u0161\u00edrku, ale plynul\u00e1 vyu\u017e\u00edva premenn\u00fa v\u00fd\u0161ku."],"Listing columns number":["Po\u010det riadkov zoznamu"],"Here you can set how many columns are used based on each target device.":["Tu m\u00f4\u017eete nastavi\u0165 po\u010det riadkov pre ka\u017ed\u00fd typ zariadenia."],"Phone":["Mobil"],"Phablet":["Smartf\u00f3n"],"Tablet":["Tablet"],"Laptop":["Laptop"],"Desktop":["Po\u010d\u00edta\u010d"],"Put your themes in the %s folder":["Vlo\u017e svoju t\u00e9mu do adres\u00e1ra %s"],"Tone":["T\u00f3n"],"Light":["Svetl\u00fd"],"Dark":["Tmav\u00fd"],"Main color":["Z\u00e1kladn\u00e1 farba"],"Hexadecimal color value":["Hexadecim\u00e1lna hodnota farby"],"Use this to set the main theme color. Value must be in hex format<\/a>.":["Pou\u017eite toto na nastavenie z\u00e1kladnej farby t\u00e9my. Hodnota mus\u00ed by\u0165 v hex form\u00e1te<\/a>."],"Top bar color":["Farba horn\u00e9ho menu"],"Black":["\u010cierna"],"White":["Biela"],"If you set this to \"white\" the top bar and all the black tones will be changed to white tones.":["Ak nastav\u00edte \"bielu\", horn\u00e9 menu a v\u0161etky \u010dierne odtiene bud\u00fa zmenen\u00e9 na biele t\u00f3ny."],"Top bar button color":["Farba tla\u010didla v hornom menu"],"Blue":["Modr\u00e1"],"Green":["Zelen\u00e1"],"Orange":["Oran\u017eov\u00e1"],"Red":["\u010cerven\u00e1"],"Grey":["\u0160ed\u00e1"],"Color for the top bar buttons like the \"Create account\" button.":["Farba pre tla\u010didl\u00e1 v hornom menu, ako napr\u00edklad \"Vytvori\u0165 konto\"."],"Enable vector logo":["Zapn\u00fa\u0165 vektorov\u00e9 logo"],"Enable vector logo for high quality logo in devices with high pixel density.":["Zapn\u00fa\u0165 vektorov\u00e9 logo pre vysok\u00fa kvalitu na HD displejoch."],"Vector logo image":["S\u00fabor s vektorov\u00fdm logom"],"Vector version or your website logo in SVG format.":["Vektorov\u00e1 verzia loga va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nky vo form\u00e1te SVG."],"Raster logo image":["S\u00fabor s rastrov\u00fdm logom"],"Bitmap version or your website logo. PNG format is recommended.":["Rastrov\u00e1 verzia loga va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nky, najlep\u0161ie vo form\u00e1te PNG."],"Logo height":["V\u00fd\u0161ka loga"],"No value":["\u017diadna hodnota"],"Use this to set the logo height if needed.":["Toto pou\u017eijte pre natavenie v\u00fd\u0161ky loga, ak je to potrebn\u00e9."],"Favicon image":["Favicon ikona"],"Favicon image. Image must have same width and height.":["Favicon mus\u00ed ma\u0165 rovnak\u00fa \u0161\u00ed\u0159ku a v\u00fd\u0161ku."],"Enable download button":["Aktivova\u0165 tla\u010d\u00edtko Stiahnu\u0165"],"Enable this if you want to show the image download button.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete u\u017e\u00edvate\u013eom necha\u0165 zobrazova\u0165 tla\u010d\u00edtko na stiahnutie."],"Enable right click on image":["Povoli\u0165 prav\u00fd klik na obr\u00e1zok"],"Enable this if you want to allow right click on image viewer page.":["Povo\u013e toto, ak si \u017eel\u00e1\u0161 povolenie prav\u00e9ho kliku na obr\u00e1zok v zobrazen\u00ed obr\u00e1zku."],"Enable show Exif data":["Povoli\u0165 zobrazeni_max_filesize: "2 MB", }, recaptcha: { enabled: false, sitekey: "", }, listing: { viewer: false, } }; CHV.obj.page_info = {"doctitle":"Presk\u00fama\u0165 Trending - Likeetkiwi | Page 79 (Sloven\u010dina)","pre_doctitle":"Presk\u00fama\u0165 Trending","pos_doctitle":" - Likeetkiwi | Page 79 (Sloven\u010dina)"}; }); v> ected using %s.":["Cloudflare detekovalo pou\u017eitie %s."],"For documentation about the API check the API documentation<\/a>":["Pre dokument\u00e1ciu o API, prezrite si dokument\u00e1ciu API<\/a>"],"API v1 key":["API v1 k\u013e\u00fa\u010d"],"Use this key when using the API v1<\/a>.":["Pou\u017eite tento k\u013e\u00fa\u010d, ke\u010f pou\u017e\u00edvate API v1<\/a>."],"Cookie law compliance":["Dodr\u017eanie cookie politiky"],"Enable this to display a message that complies with the EU Cookie law requirements. Note: You only need this if your website is hosted in the EU and if you add tracking cookies.":["Povo\u013ete toto na zobrazenie spr\u00e1vy, ktor\u00e1 informuje o EU vy\u017eadovania cookie. Pozn\u00e1mka: Potrebujete toto iba ak, je va\u0161a str\u00e1nka umiestnen\u00e1 v EU a ak pou\u017e\u00edvate cookie na sledovanie."],"Save changes":["Ulo\u017ei\u0165 zmeny"],"Check the errors to proceed.":["Pred pokra\u010dovan\u00edm skontrolujte chyby"],"Guest":["Hos\u0165"],"Do you really want to delete this image? This can't be undone.":["Naozaj chcete obr\u00e1zok vymaza\u0165? Nevratn\u00e1 akcia!"],"Delete image":["Zmaza\u0165 obr\u00e1zok"],"Added to %a and categorized in %c":["Pridan\u00e9 do %a a zakategorizovan\u00e9 v %c"],"Added to %s":["Pridan\u00e9 do %s"],"Uploaded to %s":["Nahran\u00e9 do %s"],"Uploaded %s":["Nahran\u00e9 %s"],"Less Exif data":["Skry Exif d\u00e1ta"],"More Exif data":["Zobraz Exif d\u00e1ta"],"Share image":["Zdiela\u0165 obr\u00e1zok"],"Album ID":["Album ID"],"In this album":["V tomto albume"],"Image links":["Odkazy obr\u00e1zkov"],"Image URL":["URL obr\u00e1zka"],"Image link":["Odkaz obr\u00e1zka"],"Thumbnail URL":["URL miniat\u00fary"],"Medium URL":["URL stredn\u00e1 zmen\u0161enina"],"Image embed codes":["K\u00f3dy na vlo\u017eenie obr\u00e1zkov"],"Linked image":["Odkazovan\u00fd obr\u00e1zok"],"Linked medium":["Odkazovan\u00fd obr\u00e1zok (stredn\u00e1 ve\u013ekos\u0165)"],"Linked thumbnail":["Odkazovan\u00e1 miniat\u00fara"],"Upload and share your images.":["Nahrajte a zdielajte obr\u00e1zky."],"Drag and drop anywhere you want and start uploading your images now. %s limit. Direct image links, BBCode and HTML thumbnails.":["Presu\u0148te obr\u00e1zky hockde na str\u00e1nku a nahr\u00e1vajte u\u017e teraz. %s limit. Priame odkazy na obr\u00e1zky, BB-k\u00f3d a HTML zmen\u0161eniny."],"Start uploading":["Nahraj teraz"],"Fill this section uploading pictures to %s account.
You can ed!it the target user in your dashboard settings.":["Vypl\u0148te t\u00fato \u010das\u0165 nahr\u00e1vania obr\u00e1zkov do %s \u00fa\u010dtu.
Cie\u013e m\u00f4\u017eete editova\u0165 v administr\u00e1cii webu."],"Sign up to unlock all the features":["Zaregistrujte sa pre spr\u00edstupnenie v\u0161etk\u00fdch funkci\u00ed"],"Manage your content, create private albums, customize your profile and more.":["Spravujte v\u00e1\u0161 obsah, vytv\u00e1rajte s\u00fakrom\u00e9 albumy, inovujte v\u00e1\u0161 profil a ve\u013ea in\u00e9ho.."],"Enter your password":["Vlo\u017ete va\u0161e heslo"],"You have been logged off %s. Hope to see you soon.":["Odhl\u00e1senie z webu %s prebehlo \u00faspe\u0161ne. \u010coskoro dovidenia."],"Website under maintenance":["Na str\u00e1nke prebieha \u00fadr\u017eba"],"We're performing scheduled maintenance tasks in the website. Please come back in a few minutes.":["M\u00e1me pl\u00e1novan\u00fa \u00fadr\u017ebu syst\u00e9mu. Pros\u00edm, vr\u00e1\u0165te sa sem o nieko\u013eko min\u00fat."],"You either don't have permission to access this page or the link has expired.":["Nem\u00e1te opr\u00e1vnenie k prehliadaniu tejto str\u00e1nkp@[^<\CBx sa sem dostali u\u017e expiroval."],"Results for":["V\u00fdsledky pre"],"Do you really want to delete this user? This can't be undone.":["Naozaj chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 tohoto u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea? Nevratn\u00e1 akcia!"],"Delete user":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Register date":["D\u00e1tum registr\u00e1cie"],"Status":["Stav"],"Valid":["Platn\u00fd"],"Banned":["Zabanovan\u00fd"],"Awaiting email":["\u010cak\u00e1 sa na e-mail"],"Awaiting confirmation":["\u010cak\u00e1 sa na potvrdenie"],"%i to %f characters
Letters, numbers and \"_\"":["%i do %f znakov
P\u00edsmena, \u010d\u00edsla a \"_\""],"Newsletter":["Novinky"],"Send me emails with news about %s":["Za\u0161lite mi e-maily s novinkami o %s"],"Content settings":["Nastavenie obsahu"],"Check this if you want to see not family safe content. This setting doesn't affect your content":["Ozna\u010dte toto, ak chcete vidie\u0165 aj obr\u00e1zky nevhodn\u00e9 pre deti a mladistv\u00fdch. Toto nastavenie neovplyvn\u00ed v\u00e1\u0161 obsah."],"Show not safe content in listings (from others)":["Zobraz obsah nevhodn\u00fd pre deti a mladistv\u00fdch v zozname (od ostatn\u00fdch)"],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Timezone":["\u010casov\u00e1 z\u00f3na"],"Current password":["S\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"Enter your current password":["Vlo\u017ete svoje s\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"New password":["Nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Confirm new password":["Potvrdi\u0165 nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Add a password to be able to login using your username or email.":["K tomu, aby ste boli schopn\u00ed sa prihl\u00e1si\u0165 u\u017eivatelsk\u00fdm menom alebo e-mailom, je potrebn\u00e9 prida\u0165 heslo."],"This user doesn't have a password. Add one using this form.":["Tento u\u017e\u00edvate\u013e nem\u00e1 ulo\u017een\u00e9 \u017eiadne heslo. Heslo pridajte t\u00fdmto formul\u00e1rom."],"Re-enter your password":["Znovu vypl\u0148te heslo"],"loading":["na\u010d\u00edtanie"],"Upload new image":["Nahra\u0165 nov\u00fd s\u00fabor"],"Delete existing image":["Zmaza\u0165 existuj\u00faci obr\u00e1zok"],"This is your real name, not your username.":["Toto je va\u0161e ozajstn\u00e9 meno, nie u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9."],"http:\/\/yourwebsite.com":["http:\/\/vasastranka.com"],"Bio":["Bio"],"Tell us a little bit about you":["Povedzte nie\u010do o sebe"],"User has no connections.":["U\u017e\u00edvate\u013e nem\u00e1 \u017eiadne prepojenie."],"Link your account to external services to be able to login and share content.":["Prepojte v\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det s extern\u00fdmi slu\u017ebami pre prihl\u00e1senie a zdielanie obsahu."],"Do you really want to disconnect %s from this account?":["Naozaj sa chcete odpoji\u0165 %s od tohoto \u00fa\u010dtu?"],"This account is connected to %s":["Tento \u00fa\u010det je prepojen\u00fd s %s"],"Do you really want to disconnect your %s account?":["Naozaj chcete odpoji\u0165 v\u00e1\u0161 %s \u00fa\u010det?"],"You will be logged out and you won't be able to login to your account using this %s account.":["Budete odhl\u00e1sen\u00fd\/\u00e1 a u\u017e sa nebudete m\u00f4c\u0165 prihl\u00e1si\u0165 ku svojemu \u00fa\u010dtu prostredn\u00edctvom tohoto %s \u00fa\u010dtu."],"Your account is connected to %s":["V\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det je prepojen\u00fd s %s"],"disconnect":["odpoji\u0165"],"Connect %s":["Prepoji\u0165 %s"],"Button":["Tla\u010didlo"],"resend account activation":["znovupreposla\u0165 aktiv\u00e1ciu konta"],"If you have already signed up maybe you need to request to %s":["Ak ste sa u\u017e zaregistrovali, mo\u017eno\u017ee chcete prejs\u0165 sem %s"],"Upload profile background":["Nahra\u0165 pozadie profilu"],"Change background":["Zmeni\u0165 pozadie"],"The profile background image will be deleted. This can't be undone. Are you sure that you want to delete the profile background image?":["Profilov\u00fd obr\u00e1zok pozadia bude odstr\u00e1nen\u00fd. T\u00fato akciu nejde vr\u00e1ti\u0165. Naozaj si prajete pokra\u010dova\u0165?"],"Delete background":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 pozadie"],"Edit profile":["Upravi\u0165 p[^pC\CBx[^[^m name.":["Mus\u00edte vlo\u017ei\u0165 n\u00e1zov albumu."],"Confirm":["Potvrdi\u0165"],"Select existing album":["Vyberte existuj\u00faci album"],"Please select a valid image file type.":["Pros\u00edm, vyberte pr\u00edpustn\u00e9 typy obr\u00e1zkov."],"Please select a picture of at most %s size.":["Pros\u00edm, vyberte obr\u00e1zok s maxim\u00e1lnov %s ve\u013ekos\u0165ou."],"Profile image updated.":["Profilov\u00fd obr\u00e1zok bol aktualizovan\u00fd."],"Profile background image updated.":["Pozadie profilu bolo aktualizovan\u00e9."],"Profile background image deleted.":["Profilov\u00e9 pozadie bolo odstranen\u00e9."],"Error deleting profile background image.":["Nastala chyba pri odstra\u0148ovan\u00ed obr\u00e1zku profilov\u00e9ho pozadia."],"Update available (%s)":["K dispoz\u00edci je aktualiz\u00e1cia (%s)"],"There is an update available for your system. Go to %s to proceed to download the file.":["Pre v\u00e1\u0161 syst\u00e9m je dostupn\u00e1 aktualiz\u00e1cia. Prejdite na %s a pokra\u010dujte stiahnut\u00edm s\u00faboru."],"The release notes for the update available are:":["Pozn\u00e1mky vydan\u00e9 k novej aktualiz\u00e1cii s\u00fa:"],"Your website is running the latest version of Chevereto.":["Va\u0161a str\u00e1nka be\u017e\u00ed na aktu\u00e1lnej verzii Chevereta."],"File too big.":["S\u00fabor je pr\u00edli\u0161 ve\u013ek\u00fd."],"Some files couldn't be added":["Niektor\u00e9 s\u00fabory nebolo mo\u017en\u00e9 prida\u0165"],"Image edited successfully.":["Obr\u00e1zok bol \u00faspe\u0161ne upraven\u00fd."],"Album edited successfully.":["Album \u00faspe\u0161ne upraven\u00fd."],"Invalid URL key.":["Neplatn\u00fd k\u013e\u00fa\u010d URL."],"Category URL key already being used.":["URL k\u013e\u00fa\u010d kateg\u00f3rie sa u\u017e pou\u017e\u00edva."],"Category successfully deleted.":["Kateg\u00f3ria bola \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00e1."],"Category %s added.":["Pridan\u00e1 %s kateg\u00f3ria."],"Invalid expiration date.":["Neplatn\u00fd d\u00e1tum expir\u00e1cie."],"IP %s already banned.":["IP %s je u\u017e zabanovan\u00e1."],"IP %s banned.":["IP %s zabanovan\u00e1."],"IP ban successfully deleted.":["IP ban \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00fd."],"Please fill all the required fields.":["Pros\u00edm, vypl\u0148te v\u0161etky po\u017eadovan\u00e9 polia."],"Invalid storage capacity value. Make sure to use a valid format.":["Neplatn\u00e1 ve\u013ekos\u0165 \u00falo\u017eiska. Pros\u00edm overte, \u017ee je v spr\u00e1vnom form\u00e1te."],"Invalid URL.":["Neplatn\u00e1 URL."],"Storage successfully edited.":["\u00dalo\u017eisko bolo \u00faspe\u0161ne upraven\u00e9."],"User added successfully.":["U\u017e\u00edvate\u013e bol pridan\u00fd \u00faspe\u0161ne."],"The content has been moved.":["Obsah bol presunut\u00fd."],"Unselect":["Odobra\u0165"],"The content has been edited.":["Obsah bol upraven\u00fd."],"All the changes that you have made will be lost if you continue.":["V\u0161etky zmeny, kter\u00e9 ste vykonal(a), bud\u00fa straten\u00e9 ak budete pokra\u010dova\u0165."],"Changes saved successfully.":["Zmeny boli \u00faspe\u0161ne ulo\u017een\u00e9."],"Go back to form":["Vr\u00e1ti\u0165 sa sp\u00e4\u0165 na formul\u00e1r"],"continue anyway":["ajtak pokra\u010dova\u0165"],"Saving":["Ukladanie"],"Sending":["Odosielanie"],"Confirm action":["Potvrdi\u0165 akciu"],"information":["inform\u00e1ciaI"]}; if (typeof CHV == "undefined") { CHV = { obj: {}, fn: {}, str: {} }; } CHV.obj.vars = { urls: { home: PF.obj.config.base_url, search: "http://likeetkiwi.com/search", login: "http://likeetkiwi.com/login", } }; PF.obj.vars = $.extend({}, CHV.obj.vars); CHV.obj.config = { image: { max_filesize: "100 MB", right_click: false, load_max_filesize: "3 MB", max_width: "0", max_height: "0", }, upload: { redirect_single_upload: true, threads: "5", image_types: ["jpg","png","bmp","gif","webp","jpeg"], }, user: { avatar_max_filesize: "1 MB", backgrounde Exif \u00fadajov"],"Enable this if you want to show image Exif data.":["Povo\u013e toto, ak chce\u0161 zobrazova\u0165 Exif \u00fadaje."],"Enable social share":["Povoli\u0165 zdielanie cez soci\u00e1lne siete"],"Enable this if you want to show social network buttons to share content.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete povoli\u0165 zobrazovanie tla\u010d\u00edtiek soci\u00e1lnych siet\u00ed u obsahu (zdielanie, lajkovanie...)"],"Enable embed codes (content)":["Povoli\u0165 vkladacie odkazy (obsah)"],"Enable this if you want to show embed codes for the content.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete v obsahu zobrazova\u0165 vkladacie obsahy."],"Enable embed codes (uploader)":["Povoli\u0165 vkladacie odkazy (v nahr\u00e1vaciom n\u00e1stroji)"],"Enable this if you want to show embed codes when upload gets completed.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete umo\u017eni\u0165 zobrazovanie vkladac\u00edch odkazov akon\u00e1hle bude obr\u00e1zok \u00faspe\u0161ne nahran\u00fd."],"Not safe content checkbox in uploader":["Nepovoli\u0165 vo\u013ebu nevhodn\u00e9ho obsahu v nahr\u00e1van\u00ed"],"Enable this if you want to show a checkbox to indicate not safe content upload.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete u\u017e\u00edvate\u013eom dovoli\u0165 nastavovanie nevhodn\u00e9ho obsahu."],"Custom CSS code":["Vlastn\u00fd CSS k\u00f3d"],"Put your custom CSS code here. It will be placed as