rect image links, BBCode and HTML thumbnails.":["Presu\u0148te obr\u00e1zky hockde na str\u00e1nku a nahr\u00e1vajte u\u017e teraz. %s limit. Priame odkazy na obr\u00e1zky, BB-k\u00f3d a HTML zmen\u0161eniny."],"Start uploading":["Nahraj teraz"],"Fill this section uploading pictures to %s account.
You can ed ! it the target user in your dashboard settings.":["Vypl\u0148te t\u00fato \u010das\u0165 nahr\u00e1vania obr\u00e1zkov do %s \u00fa\u010dtu.
Cie\u013e m\u00f4\u017eete editova\u0165 v administr\u00e1cii webu."],"Sign up to unlock all the features":["Zaregistrujte sa pre spr\u00edstupnenie v\u0161etk\u00fdch funkci\u00ed"],"Manage your content, create private albums, customize your profile and more.":["Spravujte v\u00e1\u0161 obsah, vytv\u00e1rajte s\u00fakrom\u00e9 albumy, inovujte v\u00e1\u0161 profil a ve\u013ea in\u00e9ho.."],"Enter your password":["Vlo\u017ete va\u0161e heslo"],"You have been logged off %s. Hope to see you soon.":["Odhl\u00e1senie z webu %s prebehlo \u00faspe\u0161ne. \u010coskoro dovidenia."],"Website under maintenance":["Na str\u00e1nke prebieha \u00fadr\u017eba"],"We're performing scheduled maintenance tasks in the website. Please come back in a few minutes.":["M\u00e1me pl\u00e1novan\u00fa \u00fadr\u017ebu syst\u00e9mu. Pros\u00edm, vr\u00e1\u0165te sa sem o nieko\u013eko min\u00fat."],"You either don't have permission to access this page or the link has expired.":["Nem\u00e1te opr\u00e1vnenie k prehliadaniu tejto str\u00e1nky alebo odkaz z ktor\u00e9ho ste sa sem dostali u\u017e expiroval."],"Results for":["V\u00fdsledky pre"],"Do you really want to delete this user? This can't be undone.":["Naozaj chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 tohoto u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea? Nevratn\u00e1 akcia!"],"Delete user":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Register date":["D\u00e1tum registr\u00e1cie"],"Status":["Stav"],"Valid":["Platn\u00fd"],"Banned":["Zabanovan\u00fd"],"Awaiting email":["\u010cak\u00e1 sa na e-mail"],"Awaiting confirmation":["\u010cak\u00e1 sa na potvrdenie"],"%i to %f characters
Letters, numbers and \"_\"":["%i do %f znakov
P\u00edsmena, \u010d\u00edsla a \"_\""],"Newsletter":["Novinky"],"Send me emails with news about %s":["Za\u0161lite mi e-maily s novinkami o %s"],"Content settings":["Nastavenie obsahu"],"Check this if you want to see not family safe content. This setting doesn't affect your content":["Ozna\u010dte toto, ak chcete vidie\u0165 aj obr\u00e1zky nevhodn\u00e9 pre deti a mladistv\u00fdch. Toto nastavenie neovplyvn\u00ed v\u00e1\u0161 obsah."],"Show not safe content in listings (from others)":["Zobraz obsah nevhodn\u00fd pre deti a mladistv\u00fdch v zozname (od ostatn\u00fdch)"],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Timezone":["\u010casov\u00e1 z\u00f3na"],"Current password":["S\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"Enter your current password":["Vlo\u017ete svoje s\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 heslo"],"New password":["Nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Confirm new password":["Potvrdi\u0165 nov\u00e9 heslo"],"Add a password to be able to login using your username or email.":["K tomu, aby ste boli schopn\u00ed sa prihl\u00e1si\u0165 u\u017eivatelsk\u00fdm menom alebo e-mailom, je potrebn\u00e9 prida\u0165 heslo."],"This user doesn't have a password. Add one using this form.":["Tento u\u017e\u00edvate\u013e nemB\CBx {[^ {[^ {[^ ea"],"Max. allowed filesize for user avatar image. (Max allowed by server is %s)":["Max. povolen\u00e1 ve\u013ekos\u0165 pre u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9ho avatara. (Max hodnota servera je %s)"],"User background max. filesize":["Max. ve\u013ekos\u0165 pozadia u\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Max. allowed filesize for user background image. (Max allowed by server is %s)":["Max. povolen\u00e1 ve\u013ekos\u0165 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00e9ho pozadia. (Max hodnota servera je %s)"],"Block image uploads by IP if the system notice a flood behavior based on the number of uploads per time period. This setting doesn't affect administrators.":["Zablokova\u0165 nahr\u00e1vanie obr\u00e1zkov pre zvolen\u00fa IP adresu a ochrana proti pre\u0165a\u017eeniu na z\u00e1klade maxim\u00e1lneho po\u010dtu nahran\u00fdch souborov za \u010dasov\u00fd \u00fasek. Toto nastavenie neovplyv\u0148uje administr\u00e1torov."],"Notify to email":["Upozorni\u0165 na e-mail"],"If enabled the system will send an email on flood incidents.":["Ak je zapnut\u00e9, potom v\u00e1s syst\u00e9m o pokuse o pre\u0165a\u017eenie varuje e-mailom."],"Minute limit":["Min\u00fatov\u00fd limit"],"Hourly limit":["Hodinov\u00fd limit"],"Daily limit":["Denn\u00fd limit"],"Weekly limit":["T\u00fd\u017edenn\u00fd limit"],"Monthly limit":["Mesa\u010dn\u00fd limit"],"Show not safe content in listings":["V zozname publikova\u0165 i nevhodn\u00fd obsah"],"Enable this if you want to show not safe content in listings. This setting doesn't affect administrators and can be overridden by user own settings.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete zobrazi\u0165 nevhodn\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky v zozname. Toto nastavenie neplat\u00ed pre administr\u00e1torov a m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 zmenen\u00e9 u\u017e\u00edvate\u013esk\u00fdm nastaven\u00edm."],"Blur NSFW content in listings":["Rozostri NSFW obsah v z\u00e1znamoch"],"Enable this if you want to apply a blur effect on the NSFW images in listings.":["Povo\u013ete toto ak chcete pou\u017ei\u0165 rozostrenie na NSFW obr\u00e1zky v z\u00e1znamoch."],"Show banners in not safe content":["Zobrazi\u0165 banery v nevhodnom obsahu"],"Enable this if you want to show banners in not safe content pages.":["Povo\u013ete toto, ak chcete zobrazova\u0165 banery i medzi nevhodn\u00fdm obsahom."],"Show not safe content in random mode":["V n\u00e1hodnom m\u00f3de publikova\u0165 i nevhodn\u00fd obsah"],"List items per page":["Po\u010det obr\u00e1zkov na str\u00e1nku"],"How many items should be displayed per page listing.":["Ko\u013eko polo\u017eiek m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 zobrazen\u00fdch na jednej str\u00e1nke v\u00fdpisu."],"List pagination mode":["Listovacie str\u00e1nkovanie"],"Endless scrolling":["Nekone\u010dn\u00e9 skrolovanie"],"Classic pagination":["Klasick\u00e9 str\u00e1nkovanie"],"What pagination method should be used.":["Ak\u00fd sp\u00f4sob str\u00e1nkovania m\u00e1 by\u0165 pou\u017eit\u00fd?"],"Image listing size":["Ve\u013ekos\u0165 n\u00e1h\u013eadu"],"Fluid":["Plynul\u00fd"],"Fixed":["Pevn\u00fd"],"Both methods use a fixed width but fluid method uses automatic heights.":["Obe met\u00f3dy pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa pevn\u00fa \u0161\u00edrku, ale plynul\u00e1 vyu\u017e\u00edva premenn\u00fa v\u00fd\u0161ku."],"Listing columns number":["Po\u010det riadkov zoznamu"],"Here you can set how many columns are used based on each target device.":["Tu m\u00f4\u017eete nastavi\u0165 po\u010det riadkov pre ka\u017ed\u00fd typ zariadenia."],"Phone":["Mobil"],"Phablet":["Smartf\u00f3n"],"Tablet":["Tablet"],"Laptop":["Laptop"],"Desktop":["Po\u010d\u00edta\u010d"],"Put your themes in the %s folder":["Vlo\u017e svoju t\u00e9mu do adres\u00e1ra %s"],"Tone":["T\u00f3n"],"Light":["Svetl\u00fd"],"Dark":["Tmav\u00fd"],"Main color":["Z\u00e1kladn\u00e1 farba"],"Hexadecimal color value":["Hexadecim\u00e1lna hodnota farby"],"Use this to set the main theme color. Value must be in hex format<\/a>.":["Pou\u017eite toto na nastavenie z\u00e1kladnej farby t\u00e9my. Hodnota mus\u00ed by\u0165 v