\u5b58\u50a8\u8fc1\u79fb\u5230\u53e6\u4e00\u4e2a\u5916\u90e8\u5b58\u50a8"],"Source storage id":["\u6e90\u5b58\u50a8 id"],"Target storage id":["\u76ee\u6807\u5b58\u50a8 id"],"Migrate":["\u8fc1\u79fb"],"This only updates the database. You must transfer the actual files to target storage container on your own. URL rewriting is strongly recommended. Use zero (0) for local storage.":["\u8fd9\u53ea\u4f1a\u66f4\u65b0\u6570\u636e\u5e93\u3002 \u4f60\u5fc5\u987b\u81ea\u5df1\u5c06\u5b9e\u9645\u6587\u4ef6\u4f20\u8f93\u5230\u76ee\u6807\u5b58\u50a8\u5bb9\u5668\u3002 \u5f3a\u70c8\u5efa\u8bae\u8fdb\u884cURL\u91cd\u5199\u3002 \u4f7f\u7528\u96f6\uff080\uff09\u8fdb\u884c\u672c\u5730\u5b58\u50a8\u3002"],"social networks":["\u793e\u4ea4\u7f51\u7edc"],"You need a Facebook app<\/a> for this.":["\u5b8c\u6210\u6b64\u60a8\u9700\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a Facebook app<\/a> "],"Facebook app id":["Facebook app \u5e94\u7528 id"],"Facebook app secret":["Facebook app \u5e94\u7528 secret"],"You need a Twitter app<\/a> for this.":["\u5b8c\u6210\u6b64\u60a8\u9700\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a Twitter app <\/a>"],"Twitter API key":["Twitter API \u5e94\u7528\u5bc6\u5319"],"Twitter API secret":["Twitter API \u5e94\u7528 secret"],"Twitter account":["Twitter\u8d26\u53f7"],"You need a Google app<\/a> for this.":["\u5b8c\u6210\u6b64\u60a8\u9700\u8981\u4e00\u4e2aGoogle app<\/a>"],"Google client id":["Google \u5ba2\u6237\u7aef id"],"Google client secret":["Google \u5ba2\u6237\u7aef secret"],"You need a VK app<\/a> for this.":["\u5b8c\u6210\u6b64\u60a8\u9700\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a VK app<\/a>"],"VK client id":["VK \u5ba2\u6237\u7aef id"],"VK client secret":["VK \u5ba2\u6237\u7aef\u79d8\u94a5"],"%s spam protection":["%s \u5783\u573e\u90ae\u4ef6\u4fdd\u62a4"],"user generated content":["\u7528\u6237\u751f\u6210\u5185\u5bb9"],"Enable this to use %l to block spam on %c.":["\u542f\u7528 %l \u6765\u963b\u6b62 %c \u4e2d\u7684\u5783\u573e\u90ae\u4ef6\u3002"],"%s API key":["%s API \u5bc6\u94a5"],"user signup":["\u7528\u6237\u6ce8\u518c"],"You need a reCAPTCHA key<\/a> for this.":["\u60a8\u9700\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a \u9a8c\u8bc1\u7801Key<\/a> \u6765\u5b8c\u6210\u6b64\u9879\u8bbe\u7f6e."],"Please note that each reCAPTCHA version require its own set of keys. Don't forget to update the keys if you change versions.":["\u8bf7\u6ce8\u610f\uff0c\u6bcf\u4e2areCAPTCHA\u7248\u672c\u90fd\u6709\u4e00\u7ec4\u5bf9\u5e94\u7684\u5bc6\u94a5\u3002 \u5982\u679c\u4f60\u66f4\u6539\u4e86\u7248\u672c\uff0c\u8bf7\u4e0d\u8981\u5fd8\u8bb0\u66f4\u65b0\u5bc6\u94a5\u3002"],"%s site key":["%s Site key"],"%s secret key":["%s Secret key"],"reCAPTCHA threshold":["\u9a8c\u8bc1\u7801\u9608\u503c"],"How many failed attempts are needed to ask for reCAPTCHA? Use zero (0) to always show reCAPTCHA.":["\uX[^ [^ 8[^ 8[^ @[^ [^ [^ Ѣ[^ [^ &t[^
[^ л[^ [^ [^ "a"/ 5[^ vcU倮'Wgai~eJm@=qe1h_I|MjqS* g["[ AR~/^d]ui]x
6Vߎ8p1+g15ꪏ_ /aQ=J4}6+o 9V!M!'JTu2N_) Zi/ Hd AR~/ط`ςP{k~/aQPN ƃqţښhf,m RxRC3URrR[a~Ɣת= BI1 9BYPASS !IjJŨM٫8fde\u63a5\u5230 %s"],"Do you really want to disconnect your %s account?":["\u4f60\u771f\u7684\u8981\u65ad\u5f00\u60a8\u7684 %s \u5e10\u6237?"],"You will be logg 0Et[^ Et[^ |[^ D[^ g aount usFt[^ Ft[^ Ft[^ Ft[^ [^ [^ [^ [^ [^ {[^ D[^
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