
Chevereto pages uses full PHP code which gives you the power‹{Š[^should look and operate. You can use your own header, footer, style sheets, etc. You can even create pages that look completely different from the main site look and and use all the system classes and functions (Both G\ and Chevereto) to make it easier and yet more powerful.

More help

If you need more help we sugges go to Chevereto support and read the G\ Library documentation. View the code of this file will also help you to understand the magic behind this system.


Chevereto pages uses full PHP code which gives you the power‹{Š[^should look and operate. You can use your own header, footer, style sheets, etc. You can even create pages that look completely different from the main site look and and use all the system classes and functions (Both G\ and Chevereto) to make it easier and yet more powerful.

More help

If you need more help we suggest you to go to Chevereto support and read the G\ Library documentation. View the code of this file will also help you to understand the magic behind this system.